Page 2 of Inspiring Izzy

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Steve forces a laugh. "I am sorry. I never meant to..." He trails off as he motions to himself, "To becomethis."

"Not everyone survives getting run over by a semi-truck full of lumber."

"My foot got run over," he grins. "Not me."

"But the story is so much better if it'syouwho got run over," I tease him.

"I love you, Iz," Steve exhales heavily. "And I'm sorry."

I lay a hand on top of his arm. "I love you, too, Steve. Just because we're not married anymore doesn't mean we can't be friends."

"I'm jealous of all the guys who'll get to see you naked," he pouts.

"Trust me," I raise my eyebrows, "dating and men are the last things on my mind."

I don't plan on dating until Brianna is off to college. And even then, who knows? Maybe I'll join a convent and live out my days celibate. I've survived two years without sex. My poor fingers, though. They've been the real troopers.

"What time does your flight leave?" Steve changes the subject.

"1:30," I shrug.

"We need to get you to the airport then," he exhales.

"I already ordered an Uber," I hitch my shoulder. "I, uh, didn't realize you would want to take us."

Steve drops his head. "I hate that this is what we've become."

"Well," I stand from the floor and dust off my white jeans, "maybe this is an opportunity for us to become something different. Something better."

"Co-parents?" He winks at me as I help him up.

"There's no one else I'd rather share a kid with," I tell him. "I mean that."

Steve opens his arms and I walk into them. He's always been on the tall side and his arms are well-defined. But it's his chest that I used to love most. His hard, warm chest. The one I used to fall asleep on.

He kisses the top of my head, then turns to face our daughter. My heart screams at me to stay as I see a tear slip down Steve's cheek. "Come here, Princess."

Brianna's eyes widen as she looks at Steve. "Why you crying, Daddy?"

But he doesn't answer her. Instead, he hugs her tight. "Daddy loves you. I love you so much, Bri."

I place a hand on my chest, willing my heart to stop thrashing against bone and flesh.

"We'll be home soon," she pats his cheek with her little hand.

Steve lets her go and my limbs feel like lead as I grab my bag and Brianna's car seat. Steve is shipping the rest of the boxes to us later this week. Which I'm grateful for. I know he could have made this hard on me, but he hasn't. He's made it easy. Too easy.

"The Uber's here," I tell Steve. "It's time for us to go."

"I'll walk you down," he sniffles.

I hate that my marriage is over. I hate that I have to move home. I hate that my daughter has to be so far from her father. I hate this whole, stupid thing. Most of all, I hate that semi-truck driver. The one who got too close to the working road crew and stole my husband from me.

"Listen to Mommy," Steve runs a hand over Brianna's hair. "And remember to eat your vegetables."

I smile. "Thanks, Steve. We'll talk soon."

I don't look back as I put Brianna in her car seat and get in. Looking back won't do me any good. It'll just hurt more than this already does.
