Page 45 of Inspiring Izzy

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"I did."

"And now?"

"Now, I see what he sees. An incredibly hard worker who needed someone to take a chance on her," Angie answers.

"Thank you for saying that," I chew on the inside of my cheek.

"Now, tell me why I scared you," she cackles.

"You're intimidating."

"I am not!"

"You're gorgeous, Angie, and put-together. You look like you belong here," I admit.

"We both belong here," she sighs wistfully.

"Well," I push off her doorframe, "I should get back to work."

"Hey," Angie stands. "How do you and Brady know each other? He keeps side-stepping the question."

"We met like 12 years ago," I tell her.

She raises an eyebrow. "Wow, that long ago?"

"Yep," I hitch a shoulder.

"Where did you two meet?" She tilts her head to the side, her face hard to read.

I feel my palms start sweating. She's interrogating me.

I scratch my nose. "I can't remember now. Maybe through a friend."

Angie crosses her arms over her chest. "Well, I'll let you get back to your work."

Relieved that she didn't push for more, I walk back over to my desk and take a moment to collect myself.

My cell vibrates in my pocket and I slip it out. Mom's calling.

"Hey," I say into the phone.

"Brianna's throwing up," Mom sounds worried. "I didn't want to bother you, but she keeps crying for you and I don't know what to do."

I glance at Brady's deserted office before making my decision. I can send emails from home.

"I'm on my way."

"Iz," Mom tuts, "are you sure you can just leave?"

I shove my laptop into my bag and throw it over my shoulder. "Tell Brianna I'll be there in fifteen minutes."

The elevator takes forever to arrive and, when it does, I know it'll take just as long to drop to the first floor.

I craft a text to Brady and send it on the ride down.

Brianna's got the stomach flu. I had to leave early. I took my laptop with me and will work from home for the rest of the day. If you need anything, call me.

When I reach my car, I feel something soft and cold on my cheek. I glance up at the grey sky. It's snowing.
