Page 51 of Inspiring Izzy

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"People like you?" he tilts his dark head to the side.

"Normal people without large bank accounts," I rephrase.

Brady smiles. "Kind of feels like you have something against people with money."

"Nope," I flash my eyebrows. "A person with money signs my paychecks. I have nothing against them. I do, however, think they're unable to sympathize with people who don't have money. Which is why Charlie's app idea would have only served a small group of people."

"But we would have made money off those people," he argues.

"Then why didn't you go through with the proposal?" I raise a challenging eyebrow.

"You want the story I told Charlie, or do you want the truth?"

I swallow hard. "Both. I want both."

"The truth is that I don't want to invest in any more of Charlie's projects," Brady reveals. "They don't make as much money as she promises, and I don't believe she does her market research. I'm also tired of having to deal with her."

"But I thought you and her were a...thing?" I scrunch my nose.

Brady laughs. "Who told you that?"

"Angie," I answer.

"Angie has no idea what she's talking about," Brady shakes his head, annoyed.

"You haven't slept with Charlie, then?"

"I didn't say that," Brady glances down at the table.

Ew. He slept with Charlie. He actually slept with her.

"Your sex life is none of my business," I hold up a hand.

"What sex life?" he scoffs.

"Anyway," I clear my throat. I don't want to think about Brady with other women. It's a slippery slope. "What did you tell Charlie?"

"I told her the developers and engineers weren't interested."

"Ah, so you blamed someone else in your organization instead of telling her the truth," Itskhim.

I watch as his face twists with an unreadable expression. "I have no backbone."

"I didn't say that," I quickly reply.

"But it's the truth," he furrows his brow. "I couldn't be honest with Charlie, and I couldn't be honest with Maya."

A heavy weight settles over the table, and I realize that Brady hasn't forgiven himself for the past.

"I was teasing you," I try. "Business relationships are different than personal ones."

"Are they?" Brady rests his elbows on the table.

The fact that he's being so...vulnerablewith me catches me off guard. "I think there's a difference between keeping the peace with a former business partner and staying in a long-term relationship when you don't want to."

"Do you want to know why I hired you?" he changes the subject.

"I thought it was because you owed me."
