Page 93 of Inspiring Izzy

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"Now I know that there's no one else for me. There's just you."

Brady nods. "I feel the same way, Iz. I love you. So fucking much."

"Let's do it," I say.

"Do what?"

"Get married," I answer.

Brady's face lights up. "Seriously?"


"I...what about your marriage just ending? This isn't too soon for you?"

I take a sobering breath. "My marriage was over long before I left. Steve slept on the couch for two years. Maybe longer. I spent so much time being married to the wrong person that I know now who the right person is."

"You're sure?" He smiles from ear to ear.


"Let's get married," he gleefully laughs before kissing me again.

"The ring!" I get out between kisses.

Brady pulls out of me and grabs the ring box. He slips the sparkling jewel from its cushiony pillow and reaches for my left hand.

"Izzy Thompson," he beams, "will you be my wife?"

"I'd be honored to be Izzy Cohen," I reply as he slides the diamond on my ring finger.

"Izzy Cohen," Brady declares, "I love you."

Chapter 24

Brady's arms wrap around me in the elevator as several people dressed in gowns and tuxes join us. The diamond on my left hand glints and glimmers beneath the soft yellow lighting, catching a couple of eyes.

I lean my head back on Brady's shoulder and feel my body relax. I can't believe less than 24 hours ago, he proposed to me.He. Proposed. To. Me.

And I said yes.

We spent most of last night alternating between sex and sleep. It's also how we spent the morning and missed the luncheon at noon. We had to crawl out of bed around two this afternoon because Brady booked a hair and nail appointment for me. I thought he might stay in the hotel room and catch up on some work, but he decided to tag along for my afternoon at the salon.

"You look beautiful," Brady whispers in my ear as I tilt my head to the side. One of his hands runs down the side of my hunter-green sequined dress. I was sold on the sweep train when I first laid eyes on it.

"You look handsome," I smile up at him. "I like seeing you in a tux."

"I can't believe I get to marry you," he grins and my heart melts a little.

"You keep saying that," I laugh quietly.

"Because I'm still in shock," he hugs me closer to him.

"Maybe you'll be less shocked tomorrow when it actually happens," I let out a content breath. Yeah, we're eloping.

When forever is staring at you in the face, you'd be a fool not to cling to it.

Brady's lips find my neck and he leaves a chaste kiss on my clammy skin. "I love you so much, Iz."
