Page 19 of Wed to Krampus

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I gathered her in my arms and took her upstairs, into the main bedroom. She was almost asleep, and I felt bad when I had to nudge her awake, so she could change into the nightdress that I’d prepared for her. I was ready to turn my back and walk out of the room when she clung to me.

“No, please stay and help me. I’m so exhausted, I can’t even stand.”

I’d seen so much of her already. Tasted her. And she was mine. My wife. It was an honor to help her undress and slip into something more comfortable and appropriate. I’d made a mental note earlier that she didn’t like corsets, so my new purpose now was to make sure all her clothes were snug, and pleasant, and corset-less. I could knit, sew, and work with leather and fur, and I was more than decent at making clothes, since I’d had to make mine all my life.

When she was ready, I tucked her in and started removing my own clothes. My thick leather belt was the first to go. Then I saw Aura reach for her mask and panicked. I dropped the belt on the nightstand on her side of the bed and rushed to stop her.


“Please? Turn off the lights, and I won’t be able to see anything, anyway.”

“I said no.”

She sighed, then resigned herself and tucked her hands under the duvet. I waited a beat to make sure she would not attempt to remove the mask again, then quickly undressed, switched off the light, and climbed into bed next to her. I was used to sleeping naked, and it hadn’t even crossed my mind that I might need something to cover myself once my bride was here, in my bedroom, in my bed. I was just going to... keep my distance during the night.

She had her back turned to me. I had perfect vision in the dark, so I stared at her back for a long time, until sleep claimed me. I’d never shared a bed with anyone before. Frost didn’t count. I would’ve loved to wrap her tiny body in my arms and pull her in, hold her against my chest and keep her warm, but I couldn’t do it. I just couldn’t. She’d discovered my horns already. We hadn’t talked about it, but when she first wrapped her hands around them, I noticed her shock. She hadn’t expected me to have horns. Which made sense. That was another thing, aside from a ridiculous amount of body hair – or body fur – that humans didn’t have, so I couldn’t imagine a human female wanting her husband to have long, thick, curled horns atop his head. I couldn’t let her discover what the rest of me felt like, so I would not pull her into my arms.

I didn’t know how long I’d been asleep when I felt my Aura stir. I thought nothing of it. Within seconds, I was back in the land of dreams, but then I felt something warm on my chest. A hand that was exploring. My eyes shot open, and there she was, inches from my face. Her mask was still on.


She mumbled something unintelligible, which made me believe she was half asleep and unaware of what she was doing.But then she said, “Why don’t you want me to touch you?” And even though she stumbled over the words, she sounded like she was waking up.

I couldn’t let this happen. Her hands moved down my torso, and adrenaline rushed through my body, waking me up completely. I had to push her away from me before my cock became fully erect, or she was going to feel it. Earlier, when I’d eaten her pussy, I didn’t doubt that she wanted my cock inside her. That was because she had no idea what she was in for... My cock wasn’t... How could I put this? It was nothing like what human males had between their legs. I’d studied an anatomy book years ago, curious to see the difference between the two species, and that was the first time I asked myself if what I had down there was... normal. Maybe it was normal for me, but not for them, and it was going to take a while for me to be ready to see Aura’s reaction when she discovered my horns weren’t the only weird thing about my body.

I grabbed her by the shoulders and swiftly turned her back around. She yelped, then giggled, then tried to fight me.

“Oh, come on, Krampus,” she said. “We’re married.” She sounded more and more awake. “We can’t sleep in the same bed and not touch. It doesn’t make sense.” It didn’t look like she was going to give up.

What could I do? What could I do?

In the dark, I spotted the belt I’d left on her nightstand when I’d undressed. I reached over and grabbed it, then I held Aura in place and looped the belt around the bedframe first, then around her wrists.

“Ow! What are you doing?”

“What I must,” I growled in her ear.

“No, wait.”

It was too late. Her hands were safely secured to the bed frame, and she couldn’t turn to face me, no matter how hard she tried.

“Seriously? You’re going to leave me like this for the rest of the night?”

“I’m sorry.”

“No, you’re not!” She pulled at the belt, but it was no use. The leather was sturdy. “Krampus! You tied me to the bed! This isn’t normal!”

Her words saddened me. She was right. It wasn’t normal. Nothing about me was normal. Not the way I looked, not the place where I lived, not my life, my body, the things that I did...

She struggled for a few more minutes, then let out a frustrated sigh and said, “Fine.” She hated me. I was sure of it. Now that I’d tied her to the bed, I regretted it and thought of releasing her.

I wanted to undo it. All of it. The scene played out in my head: I would remove the belt, remove the mask that covered her eyes, turn on the lights, and let her see me just the way I was, no clothes, just me. And then... And then she would scream and run out of the bedroom, rush down the stairs, and if she didn’t fall and break anything in the process, run outside, in the snow, barefoot and only in her nightdress, and freeze to death within minutes.

Was this scenario exaggerated? Maybe. But I didn’t think it was far from what would actually happen, and I didn’t want to risk it.


I would let her remove the mask tomorrow, and tonight, I would simply enjoy her presence. Even if she was tied up and we didn’t touch, the fact that I was sharing a bed with a female for the first time in my life was something to be cherished.
