Page 7 of Wed to Krampus

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They held up a full-body mirror for me, and I twirled in place. The dress was light blue. The collar and the edge of the sleeves were made of soft, white fur, and the boots the girls gave me were light and elegant, but also warm.

“And this is mine?” I asked as I brushed my hands down the expansive skirt. “I can keep it?”

“You can keep all of it.”

“The boots too?”


There was a knock on the door, and my heart jumped in my throat. I swallowed hard and tried to stay calm. It was almost time, but that didn’t mean I could lose my head. It was just another Temple servant – a young man. He came in, holding a black box.

“This is for the bride,” he said. “Her husband is asking her to wear it.”

“Thank you,” I said, thinking the box most likely contained a piece of jewelry.

One of the girls took the box from him, but he didn’t leave. Not yet. He wanted to make sure that my future husband’s wish was fulfilled. The girl opened the box and showed me what was inside.

A mask.

A black mask made of shiny leather. I took it in my hands and inspected it. It was soft to the touch, but there was one problem... There were no holes for the eyes.

“I don’t understand,” I said, looking at the young man. “How am I supposed to see through this?”

“You’re not,” he said. His voice was even. He wasn’t joking. “Your mate insists that you wear it. May I help you put it on? He is here, waiting for you at the altar. I am to escort you to him.”

I looked at the two servant girls, and one of them shrugged, while the other nodded for me to put the mask on.

“Some of them have strange requests,” she said. “Strange traditions, I mean.”

“Do you think this is a... tradition?”

“If it’s a requirement...”

What could I say to that? What was done was done. I was clean, dressed beautifully, my hair was brushed, and my arranged husband was waiting for me. At the altar. They’d all gone through so much trouble to get me ready. I didn’t feel ready, but... I knew I would never feel ready. I just had to do it. Get it over with.

I let them put the mask on me, and I immediately clung to the young man’s arm. It was odd to not be able to see at all. My world had gone completely black. He guided me out of the room and down the corridor. The temperature changed, which meant we were entering a larger room. I could smell incense. We walked slowly, and I was clinging to him so hard that when he first tried to remove my hands from around his arm, he failed.

“I must leave you now,” he whispered to me. “Your arranged mate is here. You will be fine. The test is never wrong.”

“Thank you,” I whispered back. My voice was shaking so badly that I could barely push the words out.

I let go of the young man’s arm. I felt exposed. Vulnerable. I heard him walk away, and a few seconds later, I heard someone else step up to my side. I turned to him, though I couldn’t see a single thing. I had the feeling that he was tall, though. Tall and big. Massive.

When he spoke, his voice came from far above my head.

“I know the mask is unexpected, and I’m sorry,” he said. “Please bear with me.”

His voice was low, and so full and kind. It was the most pleasant, most deeply masculine voice I’d ever heard. I instantly relaxed.

Chapter Five


Her name was Aurelia, and she was the most beautiful creature I had ever set eyes on. Guided by the Temple servant to the altar, she seemed unsure on her feet, and I could tell the mask bothered her. It bothered me too, to be fair, because it prevented me from seeing her in all her exquisite beauty. The idea had come to me at night, in a dream. What if I could make it so my bride couldn’t see my terrifying face until I allowed her to? In my dream, I saw this divine maiden, and half of her face was covered by a black mask. She was walking toward me, her arms held up in front of her, her fingers clinging to me when she finally reached me. She looked up at me, but she couldn’t see me, and so... she smiled. Had she been able to see my monstrous features, she wouldn’t have smiled, she would’ve run.

I woke up before dawn and started making the mask with my own hands. Soft leather, sewn beautifully and perfectly, so it wouldn’t hurt my bride’s delicate skin. And now... she was wearing it. My Aurelia was wearing the mask I’d made for her.

I felt the need to apologize for having her cover her eyes, and I felt her soften at the sound of my voice. That made my heart grow twice as big in my chest. And it was already big... since I was a big guy. Compared to her slight frame, I was built like a mountain. I dared to take her tiny hands in mine. She didn’t pull away.
