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“Alcohol doesn’t have an effect on me.”

“That’s good to know. My housekeeper will clean and change the sheets once a week. You have a bathroom that’s perfectly functional.”

“And all I have to do is...”

“Guard that door.”

He pointed at the door on the right.

When he said, “guard that door”, what he meant was “guard what’s behind the door”. What was behind the door? Riches? Stacks of money? Gold bars? Precious gems? No, that was silly. No one kept that sort of stuff in their basement.

“And this is long term,” I said, hoping I could gauge more information.

“Yes. I wasn’t sure until this morning. I ran some tests, got the results I was looking for, and now I need you to guard that door with your life. Can you do that?”

“And if you ran those tests and didn’t get the results you were looking for?”

He thought for a second, then said, “This would’ve been a cleaning job and much shorter than a guarding job.”

Had I had any hairs on my body, they would’ve bristled.

“I don’t do cleaning jobs.”

“That’s irrelevant now, isn’t it? I’ll ask again. Can you do the job?”

“Yes. Yes, I can.”

“Good. Now, go home, get your things in order, and pack what you need. You start tomorrow.”

He started up the stairs, but I didn’t follow him immediately. I stared at the closed door for a long minute, knowing it was locked and knowing that whatever was behind it was none of my business. I knew this job was shady, and I took it anyway. No going back now.

Monster Security Agency didn’t discriminate. As long as the client paid, no one cared if what he asked for was illegal or not. Most jobs were bodyguard jobs, though, and that was what I was good at. I could guard a door. Of course I could.

But if Dr. Lockwood hadn’t gotten the results he wanted, this would’ve been a cleaning job. Whatever was behind that door wasn’t an object. It was a living, breathing creature. Of what kind, I didn’t know, and my client didn’t seem interested in offering me that information.

It didn’t matter. I was here to do what I was told, and from the looks of it, this was going to be an easy job, and paid quite handsomely, too.

Moral compass or no moral compass, I wasn’t in a position to refuse it.

Chapter Four


I could hear voices on the other side of the door. One was my captor’s, the other one was unknown to me. All I wanted was to scream, make noise, ask for help, draw the other person’s attention, but I couldn’t. My captor had made sure of it.

Before he went to retrieve his visitor, he brought a chair into my room, bolted it to the floor, right before my eyes, so I saw I couldn’t use it as a weapon, then forced me into it, tied me up, and duct-taped my mouth.

I couldn’t move an inch. I could groan, but that wasn’t enough. I tried to bang my feet on the floor, but the bastard had tied me up so well that it was impossible to do anything that made a loud noise. I wasn’t strong enough to topple the chair with me in it, and he’d made sure to bolt it perfectly.

He was very strategic, my captor. Calculated. He only made a move when he knew he had all the pieces in place. This morning, when he’d brought me breakfast and exactly one glass of water, he’d told me my blood had passed his tests. He was going to keep me.

Oh, and the bucket? I found out quickly what it was for, when I had to pee and realized there was no bathroom. My captor had emptied and cleaned it this morning without a word.

At this point, I just wanted to know why he was going through so much trouble to keep me here. If I knew, maybe I could come up with some sort of plan to convince him to let me go. I had to convince him, because it didn’t look like he was ever going to loosen up the security measures he had in place to give me a chance to escape. I’d been here for two days. Maybe three? I wasn’t sure... The point was I’d been here for a while, and I’d been chained all this time. I hadn’t even made it to the dooronce, let alone had the chance to try it or slam into it to see if I could make it budge.

The voices continued for a while. They were subdued, and I couldn’t understand what they were saying. I had no idea who my captor had brought. It was a male voice, and deep down, even though I had some hope left that someone would come rescue me, I knew I couldn’t trust a man. It was entirely possible that they were in cahoots. Not that I had been hard to kidnap, but it did seem like an operation for at least two people. My captor probably worked with others. If I ever saw anyone else enter this room, I had to remind myself I couldn’t trust them.

I heard their footsteps as they paced the floor, and then I heard them fading. For a while, it was quiet. Then I heard footsteps again, and it seemed like my captor was alone. I knew what he sounded like – light on his feet. The other man had sounded heavy and much bigger, which was not a detail that made me feel better about my prospects.
