Page 63 of Chase the Storm

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“They did. I moved in two days ago.”

“This is the best news, Indy. I’m so glad you got it worked out, but how crazy is it that an avalanche stranded you there? It kind of worked out well, since you had a place to stay while you waited to hear about the job.”

My lips twitched, thinking about how she was going to react when I shared the news with her about Griffin.

Wanting to play it cool and see if she noticed, I shared, “Yeah, I’ll admit I was super bummed initially, because I knew I wasn’t going to be able to stay in one of the rooms here at the resort. Fortunately, given the circumstances, they opened the lodge for those who essentially got trapped here, and they allowed us to sleep there. I did that for a few days, and though I was warm, I can say it was less than ideal. I’m just glad it got to the point where I was finally able to get some real sleep in a camper, where it was quiet.”

There was an extended silence. “A camper? Do they rent them out there or something? What do you mean?”

I pressed my lips together and smiled, recalling the first day I slept in Griffin’s camper. The way he stepped up to the plate, saw how desperately I needed a quiet, safe place to rest, was something I knew I’d never forget for the rest of my life.

“I met someone, Janine,” I declared.


“I met a guy the day I got here,” I clarified. I then went on to tell Janine all about how it happened from the moment he stood outside beside me when we watched the avalanche, how he’d brought me a neck warmer when I was outside taking photos, the way he shoveled out my car, how he let me sleep in his camper, and mostly, how he’d swept me off my feet.

Janine listened intently, hanging on to every word I said. When I finished, she replied, “I can’t believe all of this happened, and I had not a single clue about it. This is crazy, Indy, but I’m so unbelievably happy for you.”

“Thanks. There’s obviously so much still going on in my life that I need to sort out, but for the first time in a long time, it doesn’t feel so daunting. And it’s crazy, because I started feeling that way before I even got the job offer. I know it’s all about him. He’s made me the happiest I’ve been in a very long time,” I told her.

“So, what does he do? Is he from the area?” she questioned me.

I went on to fill Janine in on all things Griffin. She was thrilled for me, and it was nice being able to catch up with her.

Before we got off the phone with each other, I told her I’d reach out again once things started to settle a bit more for me. She could come and visit, or we could get together after I had a couple of weeks of work and earning money under my belt. Plus, if there was free time available now, I wanted to be able to spend it with Griffin before he had to leave to go back to Hawaii.

It had only been two days, and I felt so miserable without him around. I was desperately hoping that would change once I started work next week and would have something else to occupy my time and my mind.

* * *

The knock came at my door early Saturday evening. It was an hour before Griffin was supposed to arrive to pick me up for our date, and I knew it had to be him on the other side of the door, since nobody else knew I lived here. I couldn’t get to the door fast enough.

I flung it open, took one look at Griffin’s devastatingly handsome face staring back at me, and launched myself into his arms.

He wrapped his arms around me, lifting me up so I could wrap my legs around his waist, and stepped inside, kicking the door closed behind him.

Within seconds, my mouth found his, and the moment our lips touched, we moaned.

God, I’d missed him.

It had only been just over three days, and I’d been miserable without him. It felt so good to have him back here with me.

When I tore my mouth from his, I framed his face in my hands, allowing my eyes to roam over every one of his features. After taking in the sight of him—something I’d never get tired of doing—I said, “I’ve missed you so much.”

He smiled at me, tightened his arm around my waist, and replied, “The feeling is mutual.”

Without waiting, Griffin went in for another kiss. He pulled back after that one, and I teased, “You’re early, and I’m not ready.”

He grinned. “That’s okay. It was part of my plan to arrive before you got yourself all dolled up.”

“What? Why?”

“Because I wasn’t going to wait until after our date to get a piece of you,” he answered.

My body shuddered.

A determined man, Griffin didn’t hesitate. He carried me to my bedroom and made up for all the days I had to go without seeing him. Not a single minute of his early arrival had been wasted, and in the end, we succeeded in making it to dinner on time.
