Page 30 of Tempting Tiger

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“Kyle said he was going to sue Mason, but my dad said he saw Kyle slip on the sidewalk.”

Tido chuckled. “Priceless.”

Elijah looked toward Gage, who’d remained quiet. Gage noticed him looking and asked, “How hard did Mason punch him?”

Why did that matter? Elijah wasn’t sure. He shrugged. “Hard enough to knock him on his ass.”

For some reason, Gage looked relieved. Elijah still wanted to know what secret his friend was keeping, but everyone was entitled to their secrets. But Elijah would be lying if he said he wasn’t curious as hell.

“Well, we’re about to see Mason,” Drake said. “You can thank him by making sure we get extra food.”

“You already get free food,” Elijah argued. “Stop being greedy.”

“I’m pretty sure I know how Elijah will thank Mason,” Gage said with a wide grin. “Of course, you can’t do the dirty deed at your house. Your parents are there. Have you been to his house yet?”

Now that Elijah thought about it, he hadn’t been to Mason’s yet. Elijah’s mate just kept coming over to his place. Was Mason ashamed of where he lived? He shouldn’t be. Elijah didn’t care if his mate lived in sparse conditions. He hadn’t agreed to be with Mason because he thought his mate was rich.

“No,” he said.

“Then I know someone who’s going to see the inside of his place.” Tido winked.

Just when the light turned green, Elijah’s door opened and he was yanked out. He screamed, unsure what in the hell was going on. Elijah was dragged to the curb, and then he was looking up into Kyle’s bruised face.

With a deep scowl, Kyle started punching Elijah’s face. Elijah threw his arms up, trying his best to stop Kyle from hitting him. He heard his friends shouting and horns honking, and then Drake jumped on Kyle’s back as Gage pulled Elijah toward the post office door.

When he looked up, Kyle had gotten Drake off of him and had punched him. Now Drake was lying on the ground, and Tido kicked Kyle right in the nuts.

People had stopped to watch, but no one was helping. Horns continued to honk because Drake had left his car in the middle of the street, all the doors open.

Already Elijah could feel his eyes swelling, and it felt as if his lip was busted.

“You bastard!” Tido shouted. “How dare you hit Elijah like that!”

He tried to get another kick in, but Kyle grabbed Tido’s ankle and up-ended him, making Tido fall on his ass. Then Kyle turned, glaring at Elijah. His right eye looked cartoonish, surrounded by hues of dark purple and red.

Mason really had done a number on him.

Kyle took a step toward them. Elijah was still on the ground, Gage bending over him, when sirens could be heard. Kyle curled his lip at Elijah before he turned and hauled ass away, disappearing around a corner.

“Are you okay?” Gage asked, looking down at Elijah with concern. “How bad do you hurt?”

Grunting, Elijah pushed to his feet, his face feeling as if it had been hit with a sledgehammer. He worked his jaw from side to side, relieved that it didn’t feel broken.

“I’m good,” he said. Total lie. Even so, he was more angry than anything. And embarrassed he’d had his ass handed to him in front of a crowd of people.

Drake pushed to his feet. He looked a little worse for wear, but he had a huge smile on his face. “Holy shit,” he muttered, rubbing his jaw. “That’s the first time I ever jumped on someone’s back.”

“Are you sure Kyle didn’t knock something lose up there?” Elijah asked. He walked over and helped Tido to his feet as a cop car pulled to the curb.

At least it was Sheriff Harper, Julian’s boyfriend. Wait, no. Julian’s mate. He got out and looked at the four of them. “What in the hell is going on?”

All of them started talking at once. Sheriff Harper held up a hand. “You.” He pointed at Elijah. “Tell me what’s going on.”

Before Elijah could speak, Mason pushed through the crowd. Elijah had no idea why his mate was there, either.

Mason stopped and looked at Elijah, his gaze landing on the right side of his face. His eyes widened with rage, and he stepped toward Elijah, making him take a step back. He’d done it out of instinct after having his ass kicked.

Mason seemed to realize what he was doing, and he stopped a few feet away, fists clenched.
