Page 38 of Tempting Tiger

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“Why in the fuck are you naked?” Reggie asked, still seeming confused that Mason had gotten the drop on him.

“You came here with an unfair advantage. You brought guns and shot at the house like a coward. Now I’m about to have an unfair advantage over you.”

He had no doubt whatsoever in his mind that Reggie was a terror, hurting people with the cruelest intentions. He was a loan shark and had more than likely killed people because they couldn’t pay him back. He was a stain on society, and Mason was more than willing to erase that stain.

Mason shifted back into his Bengal tiger.

Reggie screamed and tried to run, but Mason wasn’t letting him get away. One of those bullets could have hit Elijah or Gage. Reggie had been reckless, and since Mason couldn’t kill Kyle, he thrilled at the hunt.

Reggie had run.

Mason’s tiger wanted to chase.

With a fierce roar, Mason launched himself after Reggie. His tiger’s muscles rippled beneath his fur as he sprinted through the woods, chasing the guy with deadly intent. He could hear Reggie’s panicked footsteps crunching through the underbrush ahead of him, and it only fueled him further.

Suddenly, the trees opened up to a clearing. Reggie skidded to a stop and spun around to face Mason, pulling out a switchblade from his pocket. Mason didn’t slow down, barreling right into him with full force. The impact sent both of them rolling across the ground.

Reggie scrambled to his feet, brandishing the switchblade with a shaky hand. Mason circled around him, his gaze fixed on his prey. Reggie lunged forward, but Mason was too quick. With one swift movement, he slashed his paw across Reggie's chest, leaving a deep, bloody gash.

Reggie dropped to his knees, and Mason finished him off. He would tell Sheriff Harper what happened and tell him where the bodies were so the sheriff and his deputies could dispose of them.

Now all Mason had to do was handle Kyle. He knew exactly how he was going to do that, but right now, he wanted to get back to Elijah.

* * * *

Mason had tried to contact the Ultionem, but he’d gotten someone named Vaughn at The Manacle, a club that Prince Christian owned. Vaughn assured Mason that he himself had some contacts in the area and would make sure Kyle forgot that Elijah existed.

Which was a load off of Mason’s mind. He still wanted to kill the prick, but Gage had been right. The suspicion would have landed right on Mason’s shoulders.

This was the second-best option.

Two days later, they spotted Kyle on the street, and he looked as if he didn’t know who Elijah was. In fact, Kyle had had his arm draped over some twink’s shoulders, talking to him when Mason blocked their way so he could see if the erase had happened.

It had, and Mason was glad Kyle would no longer harass Elijah.

“Are you sure you don’t know me?” Elijah asked Kyle.

“Look, buddy. I don’t know you,” Kyle said. “Piss off.”

As Kyle and his new boyfriend walked away, Elijah looked up at Mason. “Remind me to never anger a vampire.” He shivered. “I still can’t believe they exist, but I’m glad they’re on our side.”

Mason knew better. “Don’t get comfortable around vampires,” he said. “They’re very unpredictable.”

“Like wild animals.” Elijah smiled. “Trust me. I have a healthy dose of respect for shifters and now vampires. I just hope I never meet one.” He looked over his shoulder just before Kyle turned the corner. “Just do me one favor.”

“What?” Mason asked.

“Thank the vampire who made Kyle forget I exist.”

Now, an hour later, he and Elijah were heading to his mate’s house. “I can’t believe they’re leaving so soon,” Elijah complained. “They just got here a few days ago.”

Mason squeezed Elijah’s hand, still pissed his brother had checked out of the motel and fled town. So much for trying to change. Reid was Reid, and Mason didn’t expect his brother to be anyone else. Not when he’d been that way for over two hundred years. He just prayed Reid didn’t blow back into town anytime soon, because Mason owed him an ass-kicking for Reggie.

“Move in with me,” Mason blurted out.

“What?” Elijah turned toward him. “Did you just ask me to move in with you?”

Had he? “Yes.”
