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“Great question. We want information. I have a feeling he wants to make a show of himself to the predominant alpha wolf in the area. From the research that Wendy and Laura brought us today, it looks like Armand had some clout back in the day. He wasn’t just the agitator that Lars claimed he was. Part of his plan is probably to regain some of that former glory. Unfortunately, that’s all we know so far.”

“So we’re just playing into his hands?” A chill ran down my spine. Armand had everyone on edge, and Bibi was always in full control—until now.

“No. We’re treating him as we’d treat any other contestant onThe Mating Game. We’re here to indulge fantasies. Including his. To a point, in this case. I know you’ll be nothing short of your charming, magnetic self.”

I laughed. “That’s because you’ve never seen me on a date before.”

Marissa and Tina shared an ‘oh, shit’ glance. I didn’t bother to correct them.

“Oh? It seems that Armand isn’t the only one keeping secrets.” Bibi raised a brow. “What can we expect from a Hannah date?”

“It’s not a secret that I’m a bit awkward. Dates…magnify that. I tend to clam up a little. Say dumb things. I was hoping it wouldn’t happen this time because it’s technically not a date, but I have that familiar feeling.”

“Those are the characteristics that make people, and beasts, fall in love with you. Don’t think of them as flaws. From now on, we’ll no longer be referring to this as a date,” Bibi declared, waving off more skeptical looks from the production team. “Let’s call it an investigation. Even though Armand has given us very little direction about what we’re doing tonight, there’s no doubt the wolf thinks highly of himself. You’ll mostly likely have to do very little, Hannah. Just keep him talking—especially about himself.”

“I bet a lot of money it’s his favorite topic.” I laughed.

“And I’d tell you to double down on that bet. Chances are he’ll let some important details slip about back in the day to impress you, and to try turn you against Lars—”

“Do you think his brother is still alive?” I asked, before I realized I wasn’t supposed to know that tidbit of information.

Bibi’s lips parted. “HostingThe Mating Gamehas made me realize nothing is impossible.”

“What do we do if he is? He’s in danger with all the hunters everywhere. And if anything happens to him, Lars will be beside himself.”

“The situation is evolving. We don’t want anyone to be in danger. Especially you.” Bibi tried to brighten, but even the glittery goddess had a hard time finding the sunshine in this situation. “For this da—investigation, we plan to let the cameras roll. But we’ll be right with you, every step of the way. If something happens that makes you uncomfortable, give us a signal so we know to step in.”

“Like a safe word.” I didn’t plan on letting this wolf lay a paw on me.



“Mustard it is,” she said as we rolled onto the unpaved part of The Village’s main road. “Any last questions for us before our investigation begins?”

“Can I call him out on his bullshit?” I asked. There was a sleek black car with blacked out windows waiting for us in front of Bibi’s cabin. Showtime.

“Absolutely,” she said, surprising me. “Make him explain himself at every turn.”



Armand got out of the car. He was dressed in dark jeans, a black button-down shirt, and a suit jacket. His hair was perfectly styled, and he wore sunglasses, even as the sun slipped below the jagged line of the red mountains.

Tina opened the door of the van, and she and Marissa hopped out. Bjorn moved from the driver’s seat, pulling his equipment out of the back. It was just me and Bibi.

“How are you feeling?” she asked, reaching for my hand.

“Like I can’t breathe.”

“In a good way or a bad way?”

“In a nervous way.”

“You look amazing, and I never thought I’d say this on a Mating Game date, but tonight isn’t about you. Even though it doesn’t seem like it, we’re helping Lars. Think of it that way. There’s no way you can screw this up, Hannah. You’ll be great.”

I should have never doubted Bibi le Bonnet, because in the moment when things were looking their bleakest, she delivered the exact pep talk I needed.
