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There were two lacy pieces beside the top. My heart raced as I picked them up, imagining Lars seeing lingerie for the very first time. He’d been bingeing the Werewives andThe Mating Game, so he’d definitely seen lace on women before, but never onme.

I closed my eyes, my nipples tightening as I imagined his big, leathery hand stroking the delicate fabric. A guttural groan of satisfaction rumbled from deep in his throat, making my lady parts damp on imaginary command. I couldn’t wait to be with him again.

My eyes snapped open, remembering he was human. I hated the wave of disappointment that followed. Lars was beautiful in his human form, and I was certain that he would know exactly how to make the blood sing in my veins.

I’d get to see a whole different side of him tonight, and no matter what form he was in, I was ready to rock his world.



“You plan to abandon your mate for a human.” Leif snarled.

I’d stayed at the mountain with him instead of going back to Mating Game HQ with the crew. I wasn’t sure if I’d made the decision for his protection or mine.

Having my brother here with me was surreal. He’d been in and out of the mountain, laughing at my warnings about human danger. Now he’d taken over my kitchen. Not that I minded that much. Usually I considered cooking a chore, and even more so since having someone cook for me.

Leif would think it was hysterical I’d let humans spoil me.

“Tanyth is dead.” I’d lost count of how many times I’d reminded him of that. It was making me question my own sanity, compounded by the fact that Leif was actually here with me.

He grinned. “I was dead too.”

“You’d fallen victim to your own karma.” It was the explanation I’d given myself to justify how he could possibly be alive. “Tanyth fell ill. She bravely fought as long as she could, until she didn’t have any more fight in her.”

Leif slammed his hand on the table beside him. “We could bring her back. With the tools we have available now—”

“Wait. What tools?”

My brother wasn’t often speechless, but he wasn’t stupid either. He’d shown too much of his hand, and needed to redirect his argument.

Wherever he’d been, and however long he’d been back, he hadn’t changed a bit. But already he had a plan in place.

“The idols, back where they belong,” he finally said, with much less conviction than he’d been using to belittle my decisions up until that point.

I shook my head. “Who else have you resurrected?”

“No one. Yet.” He leaned forward. “Armand and those dogs were not my doing. If I had my way, I’d turn them to stone all over again. They think they can bring everyone back, and that’s their plan. All our enemies, Lars. Are you ready for that fight?”

“I didn’t have any enemies.” Not directly, anyway. I’d always tried to be peaceful and fair, even if I had been criticized for letting my brother’s whims run rampant.

He’d been king, and he didn’t have to listen to anyone, including his own blood.

“I’m not sorry to say that I did. To have enemies means I stood for something.” He harrumphed as he flipped the meat in the skillet.

Leif used to give me a hard time for preferring my meat cooked, but apparently, coming back from the not-quite-dead had refined his tastes.

I growled and rolled my eyes. “Armand says you’re working with him. But you want to stop him.”

“Both things can be true.”

“Is your plan to recruit me to do your bidding, and then leave him in the dust while you take your ill-gotten gains?” Leif had just said he didn’t mind making an enemy, and his methods had not changed since he’d returned.

“We don’t have the luxury of arguing about the past. Right now, we need to have a rock-solid plan in place for our future. Armand came back to life before I did. He’s got a head start on us.” Leif ran his hand over the fur on the top of his head. He was frustrated. “Those wolves have adapted well to modern life. Much more than you have. This place is the same as I left it.”

“It’s not the time for an interior design critique. Get to the point.” Bibi and Hugo would be here any time to pick me up for my first date with Hannah. It was still early in the day, but I had an appointment with the glam squad, and Hugo had wanted to go over security concerns with me before we went to something called a concert.

But after this conversation, I had a feeling I’d be the one to drop a bombshell on him.
