Page 75 of Fumbled Past

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“I bought these tickets a month ago,” he says, staring at the road. “I bought two, hoping you’d come with me.”

My heart absolutely melts at his admission. I lean over and give him a kiss on the cheek. “Well, here I am, so I’m sure glad you did.”

He smiles big as he pulls onto the main road in town and heads toward the Brickhouse.

As we enter the building, I feel this vibe all around me that sends pure electricity through my veins. I’ve never been to a concert, and I already know I’m going to love it so much as I look around. So many people are here for one reason only—their love of music and this band. I just heard of this band for the first time, but I know it will have huge meaning in my life from here on out.

Beau glances over the area to stake out where we’ll hang out for the night. Then, he points. “Over there. Here, hold my hand and follow me.”

I follow behind him as he easily moves through people due to how big he is with little ole me barely able to see over anyone around me.

He guides me to the side of the stage, where there’s a railing that leads to another floor that’s only two steps up.

“How’s this?” He looks around to make sure this is the best spot.

I just stare up at him. “It’s perfect.”

He gives me a kiss as the building lights dim and the stage lights come on. Everyone screams around me, and I can’t help but join in the cheering, making Beau laugh.

The band starts off strong, and I jump with the rest of the crowd as they play their heart out. I scream from the top of my lungs and dance like I’ve never danced before to music I’ve never heard but feel so deep in my body that it tattoos me from the inside out.

Beau is right there every step of the way, singing to the songs he knows and dancing with me to every beat. There is nothing holding him back. The way he lets everything go, acting so free and alive, makes him more attractive than I ever imagined anyone could be.

There’s no pretentious part of him that makes him feel he has to act a certain way or be a certain way. Right here and right now, he’s as free as the world allows him to be.

I can’t take the overflow of joy this moment is causing me, so I wrap my arms around him and kiss him with more passion than I’ve ever kissed anyone in my entire life. I want his body to feel the excitement mine feels and know that my being here with him is the best thing I’ve ever done.

He doesn’t hesitate one bit to kiss me back with the same intensity.

When I finally pull back from him, he smacks my ass with authority. “Now, that’s what I’m talking about.”

I grin and go right back to dancing my heart out with the boy I finally am getting to be with. The one I should have been with this entire time.


Junior Year

“You know the rules,” Dad says as he enters the living room to see Beau and me curled up on the couch under a blanket, watching a movie.

“Yes, Coach.” Beau is quick to move the blanket off of us.

I roll my eyes at how he jumps to do whatever my dad says.

“It’s cold,” I complain, yanking the blanket back over me only.

“Then, he sits over there.” Dad points to the chair on the other side of the room.

I toss the blanket off of me and cover my feet only. “Fine.”

Dad sits in the chair he just pointed at. “What are you guys watching?”

“Saving Private Ryan,” I respond, curling into Beau a little more since I don’t have the warmth from the blanket anymore.

Beau and I have been together for a few months now, and I don’t know if it’s just because my dad’s comfortable with Beau or because I’m getting older, but my dad’s been way more relaxed about us hanging out together and being close like this.

Aaron and Megan have come around to forgiving me as well. I think they figured out if Beau and I waited that long and still got together, then there really was nothing they could say. Our friendships are nowhere near the same as they used to be, but at least there isn’t the spewed hatred anymore. Honestly, I’ll take whatever I can get from both of them. It was never my intention to hurt either of them, so I’m glad I’m getting a glimpse of them forgiving me and moving on.

For the first time in a while, I feel at peace with my life.
