Page 102 of How We Hated

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“Is that what you’re bitching and moaning about? The Spencer ranch? Why do you care?”

I slam my fist against my chest. “I just had a gun pointed at my face because I was with Natalie on their property. All because of you.”

He stands up straight and raises his eyebrows, a sudden calmness coming over him. “You. Had a gun pulled on you. By Randy Spencer?” he asks, all spaced out, almost happy to hear the news.

“Yes, because of you. I love her, but we’ve had to hide our relationship because of the horrible shit you’ve done to them over the years.”

“Why would you want to be with someone from that poor trash of a family?” he asks like they’re the scum of the earth.

“I guess the apple doesn’t fall that far from the tree after all. Us Wick men are helpless when it comes to Spencer women.” I cross my arms over my chest. “Don’tthink I don’t know about how she turned your ass down when you were younger.”

Enraged, he races toward me. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“I know all of what I’m talking about. You loved her. She didn’t want you. So, you came back here to prove she should have chosen you. How can you live with yourself?”

He raises his arms to the sides. “Last time I checked, I’ve done a lot for this town. Way more than the Spencer’s have done with their ranch. This town loves that I brought TimeLand here. People love us.”

“You’re sick.”

“Yeah, well, I also have this town at my beck and call.” He walks back to his desk and picks up the phone with a clear smirk on his face.

“What are you doing?” I ask, suddenly afraid of just what this man is truly capable of because he obviously has an idea in his head, and I have a feeling it’s going to start even more shit.

He dials someone and waits for them to answer, staring at me like the disgusting human being he is.

“Hi, Sheriff Townsend.” He waits for his reply, and my stomach drops. “Yes, I’d like for you to go arrest Randy Spencer. He just pulled a gun on my son.”

“Dad, no!” I scream as I jump to grab the phone from him, but he pushes me away.

“Yes, he came onto my property and pointed a gun at him. Once he crossed that line, he broke the law.”

“No, he didn’t. I was on their property!” I scream out, hoping he hears me.

I can’t hear what the sheriff is saying, but I prayto God he’s telling my dad he can’t just go arrest Mr. Spencer.

“Well, I hear what you’re saying, but I want you to hear me.” He pauses for effect. “I can have a recall ballot drawn up by morning, and you know all it takes is my recommendation to change this town’s feeling in a second. Now, I would hate to have to do that, but I would hate it even more if Randy did not get in trouble for breaking the law by pointing a gun at my son while on my property.”

I wrestle for the phone some more, but my dad fights harder than I knew he even could.

“I’m glad you see it my way. Have a good night.” He hangs up the phone and smiles at me. “It’s done. He’ll be arrested, all thanks to you. I’m sure your little girlfriend will just love that. Do you think they have money to afford a lawyer who could beat the attorneys I already have on retainer?”

“I’ll testify. He wasn’t on your property, and there were no other witnesses.”

He laughs. “No need for witnesses. There’s no way to prove he wasn’t. All I’ll need is a jury to see how, of course, you are willing to lie to save your girlfriend’s dad. I’m just the protective father who is looking out for his son.”

“Fuck!” I yell out loud. Then, I run out of the room while I scream, “I hate you.”

“Love you too,” he yells back, making me sick to my stomach even more.

I race to my room and slam the door while picking up my phone and calling Natalie. “Pick up. Please, pick up,” I say under my breath.

She doesn’t, and my next three calls go unanswered as well.

Our football team has a text thread with all the players, so I scroll through the names, looking for Thomas, and hit Call once I find his name.

“How dare you fucking call me after what you did!” he answers.

I don’t bother with any of that and just get straight to the point. “Your dad. Go get your dad. My dad called the sheriff, and he’s having your dad arrested, saying he pointed the gun at me on our property.”

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