Page 31 of Her Drag Barbarian

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I looked up at him, trying not to feel terrified, but the way his eyes looked arrogantly up and down me frightened me. It was so territorial and possessive.

“I was under the impression that you hated me,” I said, trying to regain some semblance of control over the situation.

“I haven’t hated you for a very long time, Elowyn,” he said, and then he put his lips on mine.

I felt a wild rush of all the blood to my face and chest, flaming with heat at his touch. He tasted wild, feral, his body curving down to surround me. He tasted like he wasn’t going to take no for an answer.

He kissed me like he couldn’t get enough, and I felt my pussy twitch and liquify as he stroked his fingers across my jawline, encouraging me to open my mouth so his tongue could swirl teasingly across mine.

“Come on, El,” he murmured against my mouth. “I’m sorry for being a jackass. I want you.”

“I do not forgive you,” I said, ignoring how my nipples hardened under my shirt at how his tongue claimed me, his fingers spreading across my jawline, then moving to curl around my waist.

“Come on, baby,” he said again. “I’m sorry I said your fire safety talk was a waste of time. I’ll listen to it a hundred times if you let me in your pussy.”

“No!” I said again.

“Let me pleasure you,” he said, his voice almost a purr as he moved to my throat to kiss up and down my neck, his body pressing on mine. I gasped suddenly and had to stifle a moan as he took my sensitive flesh into his mouth and sucked. I felt his big dick hard on my belly. I had had my hand on that dick before, and I wondered suddenly what it would feel like to have Beau’s big cock inside me.

“No, Beau!” I tried again. “I don’t want it.”

I heard a noise down the hallway and I struggled even harder in his arms. “Let me go unless you want me to get fired!” I hissed at him, and he did let me go.

“I’d never let anyone fire you,” he said, but I didn’t answer, hurrying down the hall to my office.

“This will never be over,” he warned, but I leaped in my office and shut the door.

* * *

Luis came burstinginto my office as I attempted with grim determination to do the most boring shit imaginable—organize my stupid paperwork.

“Guess what?” he caroled excitedly at me. “Beau agreed to wear one of my designs to perform in!”

I looked up. “Aw, that’s great Luis,” I said, smiling at him.

I was a bit surprised. I had distinctly heard Beau say that he wouldn’t be caught dead in anything with the pastel colors that Luis preferred.

“Which one?” I asked.

“The pastel pink with the flared skirt!” he cried.

I bit my lip and smiled. Absolutely something I knew Beau would never ordinarily be caught dead in.

“That’s great,” I said. “Sweet is going to look amazing in it.”

And it was true. That was one of the many annoying things about her. She looked good in anything you put her in.

Luis went bouncing away, and the next person to come in my office was Deiondre.

“Beau cleaned out the microwave!” Deiondre said, smiling widely at me.

My jaw did drop then, and my pen fell from my fingers onto my desk.

“It couldn’t possibly have been Beau,” I said.

“Itwas,” said Deiondre. “I watched him. And he said my chore rotation chart was a good idea.”

Well, now I really was concerned that Beau had a potentially serious head injury.
