Page 30 of Her Drag Barbarian

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“What are you doing, Sweet?” she hissed sharply, her feet desperately scrabbling on the tiny ledge, a panicked note in her voice.

“I want you up here with me,” I said, and I held her securely in front of me.

I could her feel her heart hammering through her shirt. My hand was right underneath her breasts, their weight feeling warm on my arm, and I clutched her shirt hard to stop myself from reaching up for them.

The brunch spot was blasting with music and tips were flying at me as I walked along the tiny ledge in my platform heels. But all I could think about was Elowyn in front of me, hissing angry curses as her hands grabbed desperately at me.

“I’d never let you fall,” I said in her ear, even as I felt my own heart falling and twisting, curving toward Elowyn, desperate to fill her and make her mine.

I didn’t think I could stay away from her any longer.



“Iwant you to put out a press release that I’m bisexual now,” Beau said, leaning against the wall near me where I was helping Schwarb repair a wig.

“Why don’t you leave the thinking to the professionals?” I suggested. “That is not going to get you any good PR. If you want good PR, work with Schwarb and I on Drag Queen Demolishers. We are going to be doing some charity work soon.”

He frowned. “Trust me, people are going to care that I’m bisexual.”

“OK,” I replied. “How about this for a deal? If anyone asks me about you, I’ll inform them in person that you’re bisexual. How’s that for a press release?”

“No,” said Beau. “I want an article written up about it. I don’t have any STDs either. I get tested frequently.”

“Well, now you might have something there,” I said. “Schwarb, you and Beau can go get tested on camera and I’ll make a video PSA for that.”

I wasn’t looking at him, and I felt him uncross his big arms. Then he grabbed my shirt in his big hands, lifting me over Schwarb’s chair and dragging me with him out the door and into the hallway.

“I don’t think Adrian is going to like you manhandling me and hauling me everywhere,” I warned him, and he put me down, still holding my shirt tightly.

“And who the fuck is Adrian?” he retorted, his hands twisting in my shirt.

I felt my heart beating faster at his expression.

“That nice guy from accounts receivable,” I said. “He is taking me on a date soon.”

Beau yanked me closer to him, leaning against me so that I was trapped against the wall, pressed up against his big body.

“El, you know I won’t let any other man have you,” he growled in my ear.

I felt my heart thumping. What I was fearing was out in the open now, and it couldn’t be unsaid. But was I more afraid about what Beau wanted or what I wanted?

“It’s none of your business,” I said weakly, my insides suddenly feeling liquid as his lips skimmed my jawline and ran down my throat.

“Anything to do with you, Elowyn, ismyfucking business,” he said, each word sending unwanted heat flickering through my body. “Mineand no one else’s.”

“If you’re worried you won’t get to suck a dick tonight,” he continued, “You can come to my place and suck mine.”

My jaw dropped. “What do you mean?” I asked, stupidly, stalling for time.

“I mean I want you to suck my dick,” Beau said, and his eyes were blazing as he looked at me.

“We can’tdoanything like that,” I said. “I’m here to manage all the conflicts you created.”

“OK, let me get in your pussy,” Beau said.

“No!” I cried, desperately trying to get away from him, but he held me tight, putting one big hand on my chin.
