Page 33 of Her Drag Barbarian

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“Sweet, what are you doing?” I asked, my heart starting to pound in my chest.

“I can’t stop,” she said, moving both hands to my face and kissing me, tangling her hands in my hair to hold me tightly in place.

Her kiss sent sparks throughout my body, flames of flickering heat and need under her big hands. It felt like she throbbed with a heavy, fierce urgency.

“What the fuck do you meanyou can’t stop?” I shrieked, trying to wrench out of her grasp, but she was like steel, and she flipped me around and pushed my face up against the wall.

“It means I want you so much that I can’t stop myself from taking you,” Sweet said, and I felt a cold trickle of sheer panic go down my spine.

I heard the sharp sound of ripping and I screamed, because I knew it was Je Sweet tearing her tucking tape off. I struggled against her arms as I heard that tape getting chucked into the garbage and felt her big dick suddenly pressed against my ass. But the club was way too loud for anyone to hear me scream, Je Sweet pushing me against the wall, her mouth on my neck.

I felt her bend me forward, then lift my ass up in the air so it was rubbing on her dick.

“Shit,” she breathed as my ass hit her dick. “I can’t think about anything but you and how you’d look with my baby in your belly.”

I shrieked again, but her hands held my ass tipped up in the air, my face smashed against the club’s wall. Her heels were so tall that she had to bend down a long way, but I felt her reach low under my skirt and rip down my panties, shoving them down my legs. Then she put her knee on the back of my legs, holding my hips where she wanted them, grinding my pussy into the wall.

Despite myself, I felt heat growing in my core to feel her behind me, but I said furiously, “Don’t even think about it—” but she was licking my neck, her hand tightening on my hair to hold my head in place to suck and bite me.

“I want you Elowyn,” was all she said, and I gasped, the words like a bucket of ice over my head.

Then she pulled away from my neck, my flesh throbbing with her rough tough, and jerked my thighs impatiently open with those big hands.

“Shit,” I heard her say, her ragged breath making all the tiny hairs on the back of my neck stand up. “Your skin is so soft.”

I felt her run her hands wonderingly up and down my thighs as she pressed me harshly into the wall.

I felt her big dick between my legs, and I struggled to get away, but both her big hands were on my thighs, forcing them to stay open. I tried to curve my body away from her, jamming my pussy into the wall, desperate to make sure she didn’t see that my arousal was dripping down my legs, onto her hands.

But with a growl she shoved her big dick in my pussy.

I heard her deep, guttural groan, drowning out my soft gasp at how Sweet’s big dick made me feel like I was about to split in two. Her hands moved to my hips, tightening so hard on them that I knew I’d have bruises the next day. She tipped up my hips even further, banging my head into the wall.

“What thefuck,” she said. “Damn, that feels good.”

I didn’t say anything, because I didn’t want to admit that the feeling of Sweet’s dick in me was a sensation so overwhelming and heavy that I felt a low, erotic heat begin to build in my core.

She was so big that I felt stretched wide to accommodate her, my pussy almost stinging with a throbbing pleasure that rode the line with pain so closely that I curled my hands into the wall.

She began to thrust in me, deep and hard, yanking my hips closer, and at each thrust she let out a louder and more ragged groan.

“Shit, these hips are so perfect, El. Fucking perfect for carrying a baby.”

I felt her try to pause and I could feel her struggle as she was unable to. She tried to stop, to pause, to slow down, but each time there was something driving her on, driving her to stick that dick deep and hard in me.

It made my skin break out with a cold, panicky sweat that she couldn’t control herself and I mewled in alarm.

Sweet felt out of control, her hands too tight on my hips, her dick too rough in my pussy, holding me too high so that my head smashed into the wall with each thrust. But it all made my skin feel on fire, so filled that I was unable to speak.

“I can’t stop,” she said.

I opened my mouth to saysomething, maybe “your reputation as a sex god has been severely overrated,” but it only came out as a low groan as pressure grew and twisted in my belly.

“Oh god, El, shit fuck,” she said inarticulately, and I felt her shudder as she came inside me, her bare thighs shaking against my back and ass.

I felt her slump against my neck, and she was breathing hard.

I jerked out of her arms and whirled around.
