Page 37 of Her Drag Barbarian

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He looked disgustingly sexy, tight shorts that showed off his long, lean legs, sleeveless shirt that was so baggy that I could see his toned belly.

“No one wasinthe room,” he said.

I moved to the door, but he was quicker, and he stepped in front of it, blocking me from leaving.

“Beau, get out of the way,” I said.

“No way,” he said. “You’re mine and I want to do that again. Your face when you came was the hottest fucking thing I’ve ever seen.”

“Well,Idon’t want to do that again,” I said. “Stop following me around and trying to fuck me.”

“No,” he said.

“What do you mean by ‘no’?” I asked sharply.

Beau put his hand on my waist, dragging me closer to him. “I mean fucking no, I am not going to leave you alone, El,” he said.

And as I gasped in anger, he put his other hand on the back of my neck and kissed me.

“I mean you’re mine, Elowyn,” he said, putting his forehead on mine. “I mean no one else can have you.”

“I’m not yours,” I retorted. “And you’re lucky I’m on birth control. Otherwise all your unhinged sex might have gotten me pregnant.”

“You’re on birth control?” he asked sharply. “Cut that shit out. Stop taking itnow.”

“You can’t possibly want a baby,” I said.

“I want everything with you, El,” he replied. “Don’t you want a baby?”

I didn’t know how I felt about that. I wanted kids, but Beau de la Fontaine, who rarely fucked the same guy twice in a row, could not possibly be serious about having a baby with me.



Beau had only been convinced to leave my office when Muggsy came banging on the door and looking for him to consult on some changes to his elf costume.

“You can’t be seen in here with me,” I hissed at him.

“Why?” he frowned.

“They’ll fire me,” I said, because I wasn’t sure how else to explain the fact that I did not want anyone else to know we had just had sex against my desk.

“I won’t let them fire you,” he said, but he left with Muggsy, darting a glance back at me.

“Sit down and put your feet up on the desk,” he said. “I want my cum staying in your pussy.”

I frowned. Controlling ass!

When he left, I went and picked up some sushi for lunch and then tried to get some work done. I had given up on figuring out anything from the many hand-made death threats. I only gave a little sigh at the latest one and put it in the pile with the rest of them. I then looked at the list of complaints from the drag queens and the drag club employees. These had all surprisingly tapered off. I had leisure to devote my mind to figuring out who had it in for Heavenly Lights, but it seemed like my brain wouldn’t focus.

My mind kept going back to how Beau had sounded when he had put his fingers on my pussy for the first time. I was irritated to feel a flush beginning across my chest at the memory, and I shook my head resolutely to clear the thoughts away. I was determined not to think about him. So I was not pleased to see a minor league hockey player named Nate, who I recognized as one of Beau’s friends, come in my office and sit down in front of me. And of course, almost the first word out of his mouth was Beau’s name.

“Do you know if anything is up with Beau?” he asked without preamble, running hands through his short blonde hair.

“What do you mean?” I asked testily.

What wasupwith Beau was that he was a psycho. I remembered what he had said about getting me pregnant, and I shifted uncomfortably in my chair, my pussy starting to heat with the remembrance.
