Page 50 of Her Drag Barbarian

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Things took a turn for the worse when Rupert Bartholomew-Buxton, the owner of the Heavenly Lights club, got shot the first day he was back from the stamp collecting convention.

Most of the queens were in the gym working out, and I was perched on a rowing machine eating a sub sandwich and watching Beau doing kettlebells.

“No slacking,” I said. “If you can’t hoist a refrigerator above your head then what is the point of all this exercise?”

“That’s a cozy picture,” he said, his lips twitching up as he looked at me. “I can see myself moving a refrigerator one-handed while you eat a sub sandwich.”

I moaned offensively as I took another bite. “This sub sandwich gives me pleasure and doesn’t smack my ass so hard I feel it in my chest cavity,” I said. “So you have some serious competition here.”

Beau grinned at me, pulling his blonde waves back into a low ponytail. “You’re going to marry me, Elowyn,” he said. “You can choose between this weekend or next weekend.”

My mouth dropped open, a piece of avocado falling onto my leggings. “Are you seriously proposing that I marry you thisweekend?”

“I’m telling you that you’re going to,” he replied.

My jaw dropped, and I sat there gaping dumbly at him.

“You must be shitting me, Beau,” I said. “Since when do you want to get married?”

“Since I realized I love you,” he said.

I gasped, the blood rushing to my cheeks.

“What—what’s that supposed to mean?” I said weakly.

“You know what that means,” he said. “You’re mine, Elowyn. I’m putting a baby in you.”

“I need some water,” I said, “I think I’m going to faint.”

Beau only smiled wider, but he walked to the other end of the gym to get me a cold bottle of water.

That’s when I heard a shot somewhere near the front of the building and a cry of pain, and without another thought I ran to see what had happened.

Miss Min hurried after me, her long silvery braid whipping behind her in her haste.

As we burst out the front door, we saw our boss lying on the pavement, one hand clutching a soaking spot in his arm, the blood pooling out and staining the sidewalk beneath him.

We hurried up to him and Miss Min took down the scarf from her hair. I began winding it around Rupert’s arm to stop the bleeding.

“Were you hit anywhere else? Did you see who shot you?” I asked. “What did they look like?”

“I didn’t get a good view,” he said, his pale cod’s eyes open as wide as they could go, his glasses trembling on his nose. “I just saw red hair, but they had a mask on so I couldn’t see their face.”

Miss Min dialed 911 as I put pressure on Rupert’s arm. I was looking critically at it, relieved to see that the bleeding was beginning to slow down, when I heard the slam of the front door.

I looked up at Beau as he ran down the sidewalk to me, and I felt my heart fill with him, so full that I knew suddenly with clarifying finality that my heart was going to stay too full of him to ever love anyone else. His handsome face was wracked with anguish, his blue eyes sliced through with sheer terror as he looked at me, and I knew it was because my hand and shirt were smeared with Rupert’s blood, and I knew that no matter what I said I was always going to open my legs for him, so wide that I could pull him deep and hard inside me. And I’d be moaning for his seed.

“It’s not my blood!” I cried as he rushed up to me, trying to relieve his fear, but he was kneeling on the sidewalk and pulling me into his arms anyways, his hands roaming over my face and body, making sure I was OK.

I heard all the other queens come up behind Beau, and several intakes of breath.

“Oh my god, you two are fucking!” cried Luis, with shock, but also the pleasurable anticipation of someone who is going to chew over this juicy bit of gossip for a long time.

“I’m going to marry her,” said Beau.

“That’s under consideration,” I said, but I wasn’t in the strongest position cradled between Beau’s thighs, with both his big arms around me, and his fingers stroking up and down my arm, getting the blood all over him, too.

“I’ve just been shot,” Rupert said in a querulous voice.
