Page 19 of Filthy Boy

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“That’s pretty clear.” He laughs.

As he takes a step forward, something stops him.

“Brody?” a female voice calls to him, and when I poke my head outside, I see Tawney. “What’s up?”

“Hey, Tawney.” He waves. “Not much. This is Bria. Guess you all are neighbors.”

As I step outside, she eyes me over. But when I give her a once-over in her tight athletic shorts and crop top, showing her ginormous boobs…I cringe.

No wonder why he hooks up with her.

“Bria, hi. Wondered who the new girl was who gets up at the ass crack of dawn and runs forever before coming back.” She winks. “Careful getting tangled up with this one. He’s nothing but trouble.”

She says the words so playfully. And it’s clear she’s confident in herself. As she should be.

“Says you,” Brody tosses back. “Think trouble is your middle name.”

As they flirt back and forth, I feel myself wishing I could disappear. It’s awkward, but it shouldn’t be. We’re friends—that’s it. He can flirt with whoever he wishes, and it shouldn’t make me feel any sort of way.

So, why does it?

“Have a good day.” Brody waves to her and starts to step inside.

“Brody,” Tawney yells, “if you get bored later, stop over.”

“Uh, okay.” He swallows awkwardly. “See ya.”

And even though I shouldn’t care, I send a silent prayer to the universe that he doesn’t go to her house.


I sit on the opposite end of the couch of where Bria sits. I didn’t tell her I was coming over. I guess that’s because I didn’t even know I was until I pulled into her parking lot.

Link and Tate are still on the outs, but I can tell he’s warming up to her. Cam is busy playing house with Addison and Isla. And the other hockey house…well, that place is usually wild, and I’m sticking to this pact I made with Bria.

“So, she seems nice.” Bria peeks over her huge mug of what looks to be hot tea. “Very…busty.”

“She’s easy.” I cringe as soon as the words leave my mouth. “I didn’t mean it likethat. I mean, she is. But I meant, she doesn’t expect anything from me. She’s happy with our setup.”

“The sex setup, you mean?”

“If we’re horny, we fuck.” I sigh. “Fuck, sorry. That was probably not the right way to put it. Tawney doesn’t look at me like I’m her dream guy who she wants to tame. We meet up, we make each other feel good, and that’s it. It’s simple. She doesn’t like me for anything more than the orgasm I give her. I’m not trying to be anyone’s Prince Charming. That isn’t in my cards. And Tawney? She’s sure as hell not Cinderella.”

She sets her mug down, pulling her blanket up over her legs. “So, you’re saying, you don’t want to ever be married or anything? You don’t see that type of future for yourself?”

“No, I don’t,” I mutter. “I think some people aren’t fit to be married or have kids. I’m one of those people.”

With Bria, talking to her comes so easily. I’ve never been one to open up about my shit. Instead, I keep it in a box, locked up. The only way anyone would know I had issues is if they watched me play hockey. It’s not hard to see I have rage.

“To be honest, me neither really,” she almost whispers. “I’ve never felt that maternal instinct that so many of my friends have talked about over the years. And when I think about being a bride, it actually gives me hives.” She points to her neck. “Literal hives.”

I guess I’ve always just thought I was fucked up for not thinking about spending my future with someone else. I figured my childhood made me the way that I am. Then again, Bria lost her dad. I’m sure that left a scar.

“Did you always know that?” I know the surprise is evident in my voice. “That you didn’t want those things?”

“Well, about the third time I watched my mom take care of us all by herself while my dad went back to rehab—only to relapse again and spend all of their money, leaving her to pick up the pieces—I kind of figured I didn’t want the burden of someone else’s problems.” She breathes out a sad laugh. “I loved my dad. And I never gave up on him. But with him, I had no boundaries in place. He’d take and he’d take, and I’d still be the one feeling bad for him. I just…I don’t know. Call me crazy, but I don’t want to love unconditionally anymore. I don’t think I have it in me.” She exhales. “I’m sure that makes no sense.”

“To most? Probably not. To me? It makes all the sense in the world,” I admit, staring at this beautiful, broken creature. Realizing we have so much more in common than even I knew. “And what about your mom? What’s she like?”
