Page 18 of Filthy Boy

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“Give me that,” Brody’s deep voice says. “Rest your feet.”

Turning toward him, I look up. “Brody, you just played in a hockey game. And you have another one tomorrow. You’re the one who should rest. All I did was sling some drinks.”

“I’m good, babe. I’ll do this,” he drawls.

I want to pinch him to see if he’s really real. The buzz around Brooks is that he’s a cocky playboy. But to me, he’s just been an incredibly kind friend. Crude at times, but sweet nonetheless.

“I’ll throw you over my shoulder if I have to.” He shrugs. “So, we can do this the easy way or the hard way.”

Slowly, I push the vacuum toward him and touch his chest. “Thank you, Brody.”

As I head back to the bar to finish cleaning up, I give one last look to the man who just worked his ass off in a game and then came straight here just to sit at a crowded bar and wait for me to get done with work. And now, he’s vacuuming.

Maybe there is such a thing as a Prince Charming. It’s too bad that he’s so set on not being one and that I’ve never wanted one.

I follow Brody out the door and into the parking lot. Both of us yawning and no doubt ready for bed.

“Thanks for your help. I owe you one.”

A mischievous grin spreads across his face as he opens my Jeep door for me. “Come to my game tomorrow night.”

Climbing in the driver’s seat, I smile, shrugging my shoulders. “Sure, I’d love to.”

Taking a few steps, he pulls his own truck door open and grabs something from the backseat.

“Wear this.” He tosses a silky blue-and-gray piece of fabric to me.

Holding it up, I laugh. “You want me to show up, wearing your jersey, O’Brien? Can you imagine all of the women who will be glaring at me?”

“Best friends support best friends.” He winks. “Besides, you’ll look better in it than me anyway.” Nodding upward, he leans closer. “You going to be all right, getting home? I’m sure you’re tired. I can follow you there if you want.”

I shake my head. “No, I’m good. It’s, like, a two-minute drive, silly.”

“See you tomorrow.” He climbs up into his truck. “And don’t forget the jersey.”

“It’s not like you’d know if I didn’t wear it anyway.” I narrow my eyes. “Right?”

“Trust me, Bria, I’ll know.”

And with that, he waves before closing his door.

And all that keeps running through my head are the words his cool, deep voice just said.“Trust me, Bria, I’ll know.”



Itype an email back to Sebastian, confirming another photo shoot in a few weeks with some new colors Rugged & Co. is coming out with, and set my phone down. Today is the coldest it’s been since I’ve been in Georgia. But I guess for October, fifty-eight degrees really isn’t all that bad. I lived in New York my first few years of college, and it was way colder than this. Still, I’m a Florida girl through and through. And when it dips below sixty-five, I’m bundled up like we’re in the Antarctic. It’s also that nonstop drizzly rain that makes you want to veg all day.

This morning, I woke up, went on a run, finished all of my homework, and did all of my laundry. Folding itandputting it away, might I add. Which is something I typically skip. Now, it’s only lunchtime, and I’m wondering why I didn’t pick up an extra shift at work.

I’m just about to call to see if I can cover anyone when there’s a knock at the door. And when I peek through the peephole and see Brody, I smile. We’ve only gotten to hang out once since his last game. And we only had enough time to get coffee and a crappy muffin that had definitely been in the pastry case too long. Between hockey practice, workouts, and homework, he’s been busy. And with one of my classes for photography being late in the afternoon, it’s hard for me to find the time for friends.

Pulling the door open, I swear my heart flutters in my chest at the sight of him in his black Brooks Hockey hoodie and gray sweatpants. His hands stuffed in his pockets, he grins down at me.

“And I thought I was looking cozy,” he says, waving to my flannel pajamas that I put on after I showered. “You look like you belong in a cabin, where it’s snowing.”

“Hey, I’m not trying to impress anyone.” I shrug, opening the door wider for him to come in.
