Page 86 of Filthy Boy

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When she finally makes it to me and Kye hands her off, I take her hands in mine as our wedding officiant, who happens to be Tate, rattles off some kind words and says a prayer of some sort. And then it’s our turn to exchange vows. Because Bria likes to push me to my “full potential,” as she likes to call it. Me? I think it’s to make me crazy. She wanted to write our own vows. Which is great and all, but I wasn’t about to get up in front of friends and family and have my brain fuck up and not be able to read my own writing. So, I had no choice but to memorize them in my head. Which was not easy, I’ll add. I’ve basically looked like a weirdo, talking to myself in my truck for weeks.

I’m up first, and I pull in a deep breath as her Caribbean blues stay on me, already trying not to cry. “Loneliness is something I’m no stranger to. Because for so much of my life, I’ve been alone. During holidays, the darkest nights, times when I was sick, sad—you name it, and I was a solo rider for it.

“As I got older, I’d look around, and I’d see people with their families. Their dads taking them for ice cream. Their moms picking them up from school early when their stomach hurt. I watched families just be there for each other. And truthfully, if I’m being honest, it sucked. I didn’t have that. And I guess maybe that made me bitter.

“But one day…the universe decided to handpick me the strongest, kindest, smartest, most beautiful girl of them all. Bria Collins. And for the first time in my life…I wasn’t alone anymore.”

I take one hand away from hers to wipe my face before returning it to holding hers, and I push myself to keep going despite looking like a baby. “Who would have thought a beautiful, hidden wildflower and a stubborn bad boy would be standing here today? So, here’s my promise to you, Bria. I promise to give you and our baby every ounce of love inside of my being every day for the rest of our lives. And then every single life after because no matter how many lives we live, I know I’ll find my way to you over and over again. I promise that you’ll never feel alone because I’ll always be right by your side. And I promise to never take us for granted. You’ve saved me from myself, and you’ve saved my life. I love you. Darkness and all.”

My face is soaked. Bria’s face is soaked. We’re a whole fucking mess, but I don’t care.

“Brody, from the very first time I saw you, I was enamored. Your energy, charm, humor, and that dang cocky grin took me right off my feet. I wasn’t looking for love, but love found me. I guess that’s how it works though. Love comes at the exact time it’s supposed to and not a minute too soon.”

Her lip trembles. “We didn’t have to always talk just to understand each other. And we didn’t need to cry to show our agony. We just became one, sharing pain, feelings, and happiness. To me, love is a best friend. And I found the greatest best friend of them all.”

She inhales, her chest rising in her white gown. “I promise this. You will never be alone. You will never feel lonesome. I’ll stand by you till time runs out. I’ll hold your hand through the hard times, and I’ll sing—completely off-key and terrible—at the good.”

Everyone chuckles, even her and me.

“There’s no place, Brody O’Brien, I won’t follow you to. You have my word. I will never ever leave you. I love you. Darkness. Light. Happy. Sad. My love will never falter.”

“Wow,” Tate whispers, wiping her eyes. “I didn’t expect for y’all to make me cry this hard. Damn you.”

Once Tate gets herself together, she steps closer, saying a few words and having us repeat after her. But the greatest few sentences she says come at the end.

“By the power vested in me by…whatever that website was that Brody found, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bri—” She pauses. “Guess he’s one step ahead of the game.”

My lips were on hers before Tate even got the wordkissout. I couldn’t take it anymore. Bria made me stay away from her last night and today, and all I’ve thought about all morning is kissing my now wife.

I cup her face, and she melts into me, just like she always does. The cheers in the background become a muffled sound, and it’s just us.

Finally, I pull back and grin down at her. “How’d I do?”

“I’ll give you a solid eight,” she teases. “I’m kidding. You did so freaking good.” She kisses me this time. “I love you so much.”

“I love you more.” I kiss her cheek before we turn toward the small crowd and hold our joined hands up.

And as we stand there—in a field of wildflowers, every bit as beautiful as they are wild—I breathe easier than I have my whole life. Because for once, aside from hockey, I know my reason in life. My purpose for why I’m here.

And that purpose is to love and protect my wife and child. And make sure that this baby never feels the way I did as a kid.

I’m breaking a cycle and never looking back.

“Um…” she blurts out, tearing me from my thoughts. “Brody?”

“Yes, Mrs. O’Brien?”

“I think my water just broke. Well, not broke. But it’s continuing to break.”

“You still have three more weeks.” Our hands drop as I turn toward her, thankful she chose a long dress because that would have sucked for her if not. “Maybe you’re just so excited to be my wife that you, ya know…”

“Pissed myself?” She scoffs. “I somehow doubt it.”

“Shit.” I look around before holding our hands up again. “We’re having a baby!”

Everyone looks confused before, eventually, they start cheering.

Lifting her up, I cringe. “You weren’t kidding. Now, my suit is wet.” I crinkle my nose as I start jogging toward the parking lot. “Better not be pee.”
