Page 87 of Filthy Boy

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“Somehow, I feel like pee is less nasty than whatever that is.” She grimaces. “It’s like…fluid. From my womb.”

I gag before I can stop myself. “Please, don’t say words likewomb.” I shiver. “For some reason, it sounds…gross.”

“You know, you don’t need to run this fast. It’s probably going to be hours before my contractions even start. I’ve read about this in my books.” She narrows her eyes. “You know, like the audiobook I sent you that you never listened to.”

“My bad.” I shrug as we reach the parking lot. I look back at the field and spot Cam. “Keys in your truck?”

“Yep!” he yells.

“Good. Guess you’re walking home.” I put Bria in the passenger side before I look down at him again. “Kidding. The limo I reserved for us will be here in a few hours. Don’t worry; I’ll send you the bill.” I wink.

Before he can respond, I climb behind the wheel.

As we turn out of the parking lot and tear toward the hospital, I take her hand in mine and bring it to my lips. “Our baby might be born on the same day we got married. How fucking sweet is that?”

“Pretty sweet.” She smiles, relaxing back.

Something out of a book, one you’d find in the fairy-tale section—that’s what today has been.


“Brody, I love you, but for the love of God, shut up!” I hiss through gritted teeth. “You freaking out isn’t going to make this watermelon come out of my vagina any fucking faster.”

“I’m sorry! I just want to make sure you’re okay.”

“If you were pushing a Mack truck out of your penis, would you be okay? No! Asking me if I’m okay every two seconds is NOT helping! So, please, shut your mouth!”

Another contraction hits, and the midwife gives me the spiel on control while I push. I bear down—hard. I’ve been pushing for an hour and a half now, and my body is tired. So tired that I kind of want to bash my boyfriend—I mean, husband in the face with my fist.

“You’re so close, Bria! One more big push, and this little beauty is going to be in your arms!” She looks at Brody, holding up her gloved hands. “Daddy, do you want to come and see your baby? They have a full head of hair!”

I swing my gaze to Brody to find him looking repulsed.

“Me? Look…down there?” He shakes his head quickly. “No, ma’am. Not unless Bria never wants me to eat her—”

“Brody!” I smack him in the stomach, and he hunches over. “Shut. Up! If you finish that sentence, so help me God, I will have my vagina locked up tighter than Fort freaking Knox.”

He sucks in a breath, straightening himself out. “My bad.” He waves his hand toward the midwife. “What I meant was…no thanks. Some dudes might want to experience looking at their wives being split open from the inside out. I am not one of them.” Planting a kiss on my forehead, he winks. “I’ll still love it just the same though.”

I ignore him as another contraction hits, and I squeeze his hand so tight that I swear I might crush it. And I push. Because, damn it, I want this baby out of me.

“Ahhhh,” I scream. “Jesus motherfucking Christ!” I bite my lip so hard that I taste blood, but I push through the contraction, forcing myself to breathe.

“Good job, baby,” Brody says, but I can tell by his voice that he’s also in pain. “Keep breaking my hand. I don’t need it or anything anyway, right?”

“Not the time for humor!” I wheeze.

“Fuck, I suck at this,” he mutters.

“One more big one, Mama!” the midwife says, holding my legs. “I know I’ve said that countless times today, but this time…I really mean it. This baby is so close to coming out.”

The contractions are back-to-back now, my body wanting this foreign object out of its vagina. So, when one hits again, Brody presses his forehead to mine, holding me.

“I am right here, Wildflower. You are doing so fucking good. I am so proud of you.” He kisses my cheek just as I start to push. “That’s it, baby. You got it!”

Burning, followed by pressure, and then a nasty feeling of something being pulled out of me—it all happens fast. And when Brody steps back and the midwife sets our screaming baby on my chest, we both cry right along with them.

“It’s a girl!” the midwife cheers. “Congratulations, Mama. You did great. And, Daddy, you too.”
