Page 44 of Saved By Love

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“Have a good afternoon, Emma,” I said as I took Hadley’s hand and started out of the church.

“Will she be okay, Daddy?” Hadley glanced over her shoulder.

I did the same thing and caught Emma watching us walk away. She lifted her hand and waved, looking almost like she hated the thought of us leaving her behind. Hadley and I returned the wave.

“Of course. She’ll be with Grams and Aunt Tammy.”

When we got to the truck and I buckled Hadley in, I tapped her nose, taking in the smile on her face. “What are you thinking about?”

“Emma. I like her.”

“I do too, Hadley. It’s been good having her around.”

She nodded. “Yeah.”

“Come on, I’ve got something special planned for us today.”

Clapping her hands, Hadley cried out, “Yes! I can’t wait!”

I shut the door and walked around my truck, giving the church one last look before climbing in and driving off. I could only hope and pray those church women went easy on Emma and didn’t scare the poor girl off.



The chairs were setin a large circle in the center of the room. In the middle of the chairs, a mat sat on the floor. The kind that you used when you were little in gym class, when you did tumbles and cartwheels.

Dear God, what have I gotten myself into?

Patty took my arm and walked us into the room. “Don’t be put off by the mat. You won’t have to sit on it your first time.”

I came to an abrupt halt. “What? Why would I have to sit on it in the first place?”

“It’s the sharing mat,” she answered.

“The sharing mat?” I echoed with uncertainty.

She smiled. “Yep. When you’re ready to share, you sit on the mat.”

“Share what?”

With a wink, she replied, “God will let you know.”

Plopping onto a chair, Patty went to the middle of the circle and clapped her hands. “Okay, ladies, it’s time to start the women’s church circle. We have a new member!”

A hush came over the room, and the women milling about turned to look at me, each clearly making her own assessment. One of them even pulled out a camera and took a picture…I’m pretty sure of me! The instant photo popped out of the front and the pretty blonde set it to the side, then opened what looked like a journal. She wrote something inside, occasionally looking back up at me.

Glancing around, I scouted out the nearest exits. A door across the room to the left. The door behind me, which I’d just walked through with Patty. Then there was one, two…three windows. I could easily escape through any of them if need be.

Tammy sat down next to me. “Don’t worry, you’re going to fall in love with these women.”

As each woman sat down, I took them in before leaning toward Tammy. “Did that one make a note about me after she took my picture?” I asked in a hushed tone.

“Shannon? Yes. She likes to journal everything, especially the first time she meets you. She’s also our resident photographer. Shannon captures all the important moments in the group. Especially if you break down and curl up into a fetal position on the mat. Those are one of her favorite shots to get. She’ll poke the beast if she thinks you’re on the edge, just to get a good shot.”

My hand flew up to my mouth. “Oh my gosh! Who curled up in a fetal position?”

“Me, for starters. When I found out I was pregnant for the second time. A few others have found themselves in a similar position for one reason or another.”

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