Page 55 of Saved By Love

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“Are you laughing because he doesn’t know what a doppelgänger is?” the waitress asked.

I lost it, laughing all over again, and Aiden sighed. Clearly the hostess had informed our waitress of the conversation.

“Water for me. Emma, water?”

Nodding, I held up my thumb as a sign that water was perfect.

Aiden ordered chips and salsa and asked for a few minutes before we placed our order. When I finally got myself under control, I sighed.

“Man, I must have needed that laugh. I don’t think I’ve laughed like that in ten years.”

He smiled, but I couldn’t help but notice it seemed a little stiff. He probably didn’t like me laughing at him, and itwasrude, but I couldn’t help it. It just felt so good to laugh.

“I’m sorry. Really, I am. I think it was more the facial expression you made when she said that. I didn’t mean to laugh at you.”

Aiden reached across the table and took my hand in his. My breath caught, and I hoped he didn’t notice.

“Emma, I’m not upset that you were laughing. What bothers me is you telling me that you haven’t laughed like that in ten years.”

I shrugged to play it off and took the water from our waitress when she walked back to the table.

After looking over the menu, Aiden and I both ordered. He got the verde-smothered chicken burrito, and I ordered fish tacos.

“So, what’s a doppelgänger?”

Pressing my lips together tightly, I tried not to laugh again. “It’s like a twin. Someone who looks almost identical to you, but you are in no way related. And it’s definitely not from Harry Potter.”

“And who is this Ryan guy?”

“Let me show you!” I said, probably a little more excitedly than I should have. I pulled out my phone and googled Ryan, then showed Aiden the picture results.

He frowned. “You think I look likethisguy?”

I nodded enthusiastically. “Um,yes! You’re a dead ringer. Right down to the scruff on your face and the hot bod?—”

My words abruptly stopped as I looked at him.

His brow lifted. “The hotwhat?”

“Nothing,” I said, feeling my cheeks burn.

Leaning closer, Aiden grinned like a wolf about to catch a chicken. “Were you about to say I have a hot body, Emma?”



“Am not.”

“Are to. Admit it. You were.”

Glancing around the restaurant, I rolled my eyes. “You’re myboss. I don’t think it would be appropriate for me to say you have a hot body and smoldering eyes.”

My hand slapped over my mouth, and Aiden leaned back in his chair. A smirk spread across that handsome face of his and somehow it made him even sexier.

Gosh darn it, why does he make me feel all crazy?

“Smoldering eyes, huh?”
