Page 85 of From Jerk to Perk

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So far I’ve ignored him, but if he continues I’ll block his number.

While it doesn’t really matter because the damage is already done, I would like to know who revealed Levi as author of the book. So few people knew, I just don’t get how word got out. But I do have an suspicion.

“Julius? How are you?” I ask.

Ralph sits on the other side of my desk pretending not to hear but totally listening. It’s all good though.

“Amalia Plum, my favorite acquiring editor. You find any new books to replace the one Levi Maverick, I mean, Ryder Night, just pulled from publication?” he laughs.

Thanks, pal.

“No, I don’t have anything else, Julius, and it’s really not a laughing matter. I’ll probably get fired over this,” I say, hoping to play to his sympathies.

“Are you kidding?” he asks. “It’s not your fault.”

Okay. So how would he know that?

“Julius,” I say, lowering my voice like we’re sharing big secrets, “do you know something I don’t? Cause I kind of think you do.” I keep my voice light and sing-song, borderline flirtatious.

“I might…” he says playfully.

Might as well go for it.

“Do we need to meet for coffee? Or a drink, maybe?” I ask in a breathy voice.

“Now that sounds like fun, Amalia. You free this weekend?”

C’mon girl. Turn it up.

“I might be,” I tease. “Do you have any scoop for me on how word got out about Levi’s book? I’m dying to know.”

He’s silent. For a moment, I wonder if I’ve gone too far. But he finally spills.

“Okay, between you and me, I got that boss of yours, Cameron, a couple tequila shots at the literacy fundraiser. We were having a grand old time, even though he told me it would be a conflict of interest for him to consider my book, which of course is bullshit.”

“Really? Well, he just hasn’t read it yet. Wait ‘til he does. But what else did he tell you?” I hold my breath.

Julius giggles. “He told me Levi Maverick wrote a sexy romance novel about to be published under a pen name. Apparently, he thinks it’s freaking hilarious, and from the sound of it, he didn’t care who found out. He wanted Levi to pull the book since it will mess up all the work he’s done as the publisher. You know, like he discovered him and made him famous or something. Cameron was just so resentful. And vengeful. He wanted to ruin the guy. He’s quite the asshole, Amalia. But I don’t suppose I need to tell you that, do I? Anyway, I encouraged him. Told him Maverick’s writing sucks and that the smartest thing he could do for Empire was to drop him like a hotcake.”

“So… who called theNew York Post?” I say quietly.

He cackles. “I did, of course,” he says, self-satisfied. “You think I was going to stay quiet about something like this? But anyway, when are we meeting for that drink?”

Good God. The man is more dreadful than I ever knew.

My stomach falls and for a moment I’m sure I’m going to be sick. Again.

“I… I… gotta go…”

I drop the phone and run for the ladies’ room, where I get to a toilet just in time to heave up my lunch. When I’m done, I stay where I am on the bathroom floor because I’m still queasy and am not sure I’ll be able to shake this feeling for a long time.



The good newsabout Julius blowing up the story on Levi is that I don’t have to pretend to tolerate the man anymore. The minute I get back to my desk after barfing my guts up, I call him right back and tell him to go fuck himself, and that Cameron will never publish his book no matter what kind of ‘deal’ he tries to make.

He responds in kind, of course, and lets me know that Empire Ink Press sucks anyway, and that he’ll just take the book elsewhere, where it will surely be appreciated for the masterpiece that it is.
