Page 89 of From Jerk to Perk

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Just another day In New York City.

But it’s not just another day for me. Or Wyatt or Levi.

“You guys. This is messed up. Really messed up.” Wyatt says, his fingers buried in his dark hair.

He looks the way we all feel. He’s just freer about showing it.

My cell buzzes in my pocket.

Andee. It’s Andee.

She never calls. What the hell could she want? I must be feeling like a glutton for punishment, so I duck into one of Wyatt’s spare bedrooms and answer it, staring at the apartment across the way, where a mom looks like she’s trying to help her kids with homework.

So sweet. So normal.

“Andee,” I say.

“Henry. I heard what happened with your client.”

I can smell the smug on her, all the way over the phone lines. It’s sickening, how she takes joy in others’ misfortune.

“His name is Levi. Levi Maverick. But you already know that. Tell me, Andee, what can I do for you?”

I’d like to make this call as short and sweet as possible. Actually, there will probably be nothing sweet about it. So I’ll focus on short.

She clears her throat, plainly unhappy about my all-business tone. “That woman, Plum is her name, I hope you’re not still hanging around with her?”

What the fuck? What does she know about Amalia and me, and why does she care, anyway?

“Not sure what you’re getting at, Andee.”

“She’s bad news, which I already warned you about previously. But I hear she’s at the heart of this mess with Levi. Something about her pressuring him to publish a, shall we say… very personal story.”

Wow. Is that what they’re saying?

I’m silent for a moment, hoping she’ll just go away. No such luck.

“Henry? Are you still there?”

“Mmm hmm.”

She laughs lightly. I used to love that sound. Now it makes my skin crawl. “Henry, I was wondering… if you might like to take me to dinner sometime soon.”


What did she just say?

The woman who pulled the rug out from under my life and everything I knew to be true, who cheated on me with a friend, who single-handedly turned me turned me into a pile of devastated nothingness, thinks I would want to spend time with her?

It’s funny. I may not like Andee, but I can admit she’s smart. Only, a request like this makes her sound dumb. Stupid, even.

“No,” I say.

No is a complete sentence.

“What? What was that, Henry?” she asks.

“Go to hell, Andee.”
