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Monkey fall in unrequited love.

Stupid monkey.

“So youdothink about us,” I murmur. “I knew you did.” My thumb strokes her hip bone through the silk of her dress. “Bet you daydream about it all the time. Bet you doodle my name in your neat little planner.”

A strangled laugh. “You wish.”


And I like it here, this close to her perfumed neck, with her dark, glossy hair tickling my nose and her earlobe close enough to nibble. I like that Violet doesn’t care about our witnesses either; that she’s too wrapped up in this moment to feel self-conscious. Fuck, I likeher.So, so much. Why can’t she see that?

Something twists inside me—something mean and dark and hungry. Something bitter, because I’ve denied this for too long.

No,we’vedenied this for too long, trading insults when we could have worked out our frustrations in a much more fun way. I’m so tired of sniping when all I want to do is bury my face between those soft thighs.

We’ve wasted so much precious time together. Why does Violet fight me at every goddamn step of the way? Why can’t she listen for once?

Not everything is a joke. When I flirt with her, Imeanit, damn it.

“Bet you plan your outfits everyday, wondering what will catch my eye.” Spiky nerves crackle like embers under my skin—and though I’m speaking softly, some of that bitterness and impatience seeps through. Maybe it’s because I’ve tried telling this woman how I feel so many times, but my teasing words sound all wrong: harsh and judgmental. “Bet you planned this outfit for me. You act so high and mighty, but you’d beg for it, Violet Moore. The moment I got you alone, you’d drop to your knees and beg.”

As soon as the words leave my mouth, I know I’ve misjudged. I’ve gone too far.

Because Violet stiffens against me, her breath freezing in her throat, and when I nudge her with my nose, she makes a strangled noise of pure fury.

“Get.Away.From. Me.”

I stumble back, bitter cold already gnawing on my bones. My stomach drops. For once, I’m not grinning, not taunting her at all—but Violet doesn’t seem to notice that fact. She’s too busy glaring at me, scorching me with her unbridled hatred.

My mouth tastes sour with regret. Christ, why did I say that? It sounded hotter in my head; less like an insult. Guess I forgotthat we’re notactuallyinvolved the way I want us to be, and I have no business speaking to her like that.

Shit. Shit, shit, shit.


“I’d ratherdie,” she spits, tugging at her dress straight until all my creases are gone. Like we were never pressed together at all, and the last few minutes are nothing but a bad memory. “I’d throw myself off this roof before kissing you, Jude Jenkins. You get that, right? Tell me you get that.”

And my insides plummet down, down, down, all the way to street level, but my smile is bland. “Loud and clear.”

Because what else is there to say? Violet Moore has won. I want her desperately, I’ve made that clear in front of everyone, and she’d rather be a pancake on the sidewalk than let this happen.

Violet has spoken: I’m her rival. Nothing more.

Something flickers behind her gray eyes as we hover in silence—uncertainty, maybe. Even regret. The sounds of the party wash over us both, crowding out the painful static buzzing in my brain, and the Legal bros are staring, delighted. Chlorine scents my shaky breaths.

Violet softens, her lips parting to speak, but I’m already turning away and plunging back into the crowd. I shoulder my way toward the nearest bar.

She doesn’t need to give me the full lecture. Doesn’t need to let me down gently.

The only thing between us is hate. Message received.



Okay, I was way too harsh just then. Crap. Why did I lash out at Jude like that? Why lose my freaking mind? Because sure, he was kind of an ass, but I went full nuclear on him. There’s a smoking crater where he just stood.

All I know is we were spinning together,dancing, his filthy whispers tickling my ear—and as he held me, happiness and relief sung through my blood. It felt like everything I’ve been craving for the last few years; like coming home after a long, hard journey. So perfect.
