Page 108 of Unexpected Ventures

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I’m breathing heavily as his fingers slow.

He pulls his fingers out and grabs my hand that’s still in my panties. He immediately slips his fingers and mine into his mouth. “Tu sabor es mi postre favorito. Dios, como lo he echado de menos. Te he extrañado.”Your taste is my favorite dessert. God how I’ve missed it. I’ve missed you.

I regain my senses as remorse and humiliation suddenly wash over me. He’s been back for two seconds, and I already let him finger-fuck me in the hallway of a sex club. What’s the matter with me?

I straighten my dress and attempt to gather myself. He rubs his nose along my neck. “I’m taking you home and making love to you all night.”

I turn around, rear my hand back, and slap him hard across the face. He jumps back in shock. His hand touches the newly reddening spot on his face.

“I told you to stay away from me. Thanks for the goodbye orgasm you owed me. For the last time, don’t come near me. We’re done.”



The Uber drops me at the front of the house. I frantically knock at the door. It opens and Trevor answers. He’s got a towel around his waist. His hair is messy. I’ve clearly interrupted them, but I don’t care. I need my sister.

He takes one look at my tear-soaked face and holds out his arms. I collapse into them. He squeezes me tight and kisses my head. “It’s going to be okay. We’ll help you. Beth, she misses you. She misses her sister. It took you two so long to find each other. Don’t push her away. She’s heartbroken over it.”

I nod as I sob into his arms. I miss her too. What have I done?

Suddenly we hear, “Secretariat, where are you? My ass won’t fuck itself.”

I feel Trevor shaking in laughter. He shouts back, “We have company, Sexy. Throw something on and come downstairs. But I’ll consider that invitation wide open for later.”

I can’t help but giggle into him. I lift my head when I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. I look up and see my beautiful sister. I’ve treated her like shit for the past several months. I owe her an apology.

I nod at her and smile. “Nice robe.” She’s in the same white silk robe she bought me.

She smiles in return. “All my granny gowns must be in the wash.”

We both smile at the ongoing joke, picking up right where we left off.

Trevor starts up the stairs but turns back. “It’s good to have you here again, Beth.”

I nod in gratitude. “It’s good to be back.”

Cassandra wraps her arm around me. “I’m guessing you saw Dominic tonight?”

I sigh as I lay my head on her shoulder. “I let him finger-fuck me to orgasm in the dark hallway of a brothel while we watched people have sex and then slapped him across the face and told him to stay away from me.”

She’s silent for a moment taking in the whole ridiculous yet true statement. “Does that mean we’re drinking wine or vodka?”

At the same time, we both say, “Vodka,” and then giggle.

We walk into her home office, arm in arm. It’s a cozy room with a small bar, fireplace, and sofas. She pours us both two big glasses of vodka.

Trevor appears with a sweatshirt and sweatpants and hands them to me. “I thought you might want to change out of your dress.”

“Thank you.”

He disappears again.

I look at Cassandra. “He’s legitimately the best man I know.”

She nods. “He is. I’m the luckiest woman on the planet. And not just because he’s hung like a horse and fucks like a stallion.”

I smile. I’ve missed her mouth.
