Page 110 of Unexpected Ventures

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She shakes her head. “No, I don’t.”

“I had no control over anything. I think I came in under a minute. At least that’s what it felt like. When I returned to planet earth, he made mention of taking me home for sex. That’s when I slapped him and told him to fuck off.”

“I really think you should talk to him and hear him out.”

I whisper, “I can’t. He heartlessly cut me off. I can’t get past it. I never will.”

“He had legitimate reasons.”

“Tell me. Tell me what they are.”

“I think it should be him.”

“Please. I need this.”

I see her internally struggling before she eventually gives in. “Beth, his kids were basically kidnapped by his ex-wife’s family. Did you know that she’s a Navarro?”

I shake my head. “No, I didn’t.” The Navarro family is a well-known Cuban family. They’re very wealthy and have a huge property portfolio. They own half of Cuba and now half of Miami too. I imagine they have a lot of influence in Cuba.

“The laws down there are different. They favor the mother. If he wanted to see his kids again, he had to play their game.”

“And cut me off in such a cold-blooded way?”

“He thought he was doing it for you. He didn’t want you to sit around and wait for him.”

“That’s such bullshit. He’s a fucking sex addict. He did it so he could fuck around down there.”

She shakes her head. “I’m a pretty good judge of character. I don’t think that was his reasoning. He loves you. He desperately wants to be with you. He’s worried about you. Honestly? I am too.”

I blow out a breath. “I’m sorry for how I’ve been. My heart is completely broken. I can’t explain the feeling adequately. I feel like I was shown true love and happiness and then had it ripped away. It hurts so bad that I feel like I can’t breathe at times. I’m broken. Something died in me when he treated me the way he did. I erected a barrier so no one could hurt me again, but I foolishly cut you out in the process. Can you forgive me?”

I put my head down in shame.

“Of course I can. And I get that, but being cold and unkind isn’t you. Luke is picking up on it. He’s such a sweet, thoughtful kid. He gets that from you. He gets everything from you. You being emotionless is going to rub off on him.”

She’s right. I need to set a better example for my son. And it’s not like being cold has been fun for me. I’m more miserable than ever.

“I’ll try to be better. Dominic coming home isn’t going to help.”

“Please hear him out.”

“I don’t know if I can.” I take a few more sips of my vodka. “Do you know how he got the kids back?”

She shakes her head. “No, we didn’t get into that. We really just talked about you.”

I nod and take her hand. “I’m truly sorry for how I’ve been. I miss you. I love you.”

She squeezes my hand in return. “I love you too.”



I’m spending the evening with Sebastian, Kevin, and Claudia. I’ve missed my friends so much. We haven’t ever been separated this long in our entire twenty-five years of friendship.

We head to a famous steakhouse in the city for a nice meal. It’s very old school in its ambiance. We’re sitting in big, leather chairs as we enjoy our gourmet meal.

I’m brought up to date on Kevin and Claudia’s kids. Benny is now in college and their daughter is about to graduate high school. I can’t believe I missed his graduation. It pains me. I need to make it up to him the next time I see him.
