Page 140 of Unexpected Ventures

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“Have a great time. I hope it goes well.”

“Thank you.”

I look inside. “The house is starting to look good. You’re happy here?” Once I got Gabriela to agree to move back, I called my realtor and told her to find Gabriela a nice house near mine. I didn’t care what it cost, I just wanted it done.

“I am. I’m happy to be back, away from my father. Honestly, I don’t mind being a little closer to the city. It’s been nice. I hadn’t considered it before. I suppose I was a little secluded at the old house. The kids are blossoming at school. You were right about that place, Dom. It’s good for them.”

Something is different about her today. She rarely gives me the satisfaction of telling me I’m right about anything.

“Is everything okay?”

“Yes, just a little introspection of late. I’m not happy with the bitter woman I became.” She looks down. “I loved you my whole life, and you never returning those feelings made me into something I’m not proud of.” She looks back up. “I’m sorry for what I put you through. Truly. I hate myself for what it did to the kids. I understand that you and I will never happen. I need to move on. I need to try to find my own version of happy.”

I nod. “I’m glad. I hope you find it. You deserve it.” I shift on my feet a bit nervously. “I should tell you that Beth and I are back together.”

She gives me a small smile. “I suppose I knew it was coming.”

“She’s wanted to keep it private as we figured things out, but we’re going to tell the kids today. I feel like you should know that as their mother.”

“Thank you. I imagine they’ll be excited. They adore her and her son.”

“I think they will be too. Gab, she’s good to our kids. From your perspective, that’s the most important thing.”

She nods. “I know.” She takes a breath. “Can I ask you something?”

“Of course.”

“Are you…are you…faithful to her?”

“I am.”

Tears fill her eyes. “Just not to me.”

I place my hand on her shoulder. “Gab, don’t do this. You knew what our marriage was. I never hid anything from you.”

She wipes her eyes. “I know. I’m sorry. You’re right.” She straightens her spine. “I hope you two are happy together. I really do.”

I hear the kids making their way to the door, fortunately putting an end to this conversation. Dora is with them, glued to Matteo’s side. Gabriela acknowledged how important Dora is to Matteo’s mental health and agreed that she’ll stay with Matteo, regardless of which house he’s staying at. That’s a big step for Gabriela, being a bit of a clean freak.

She whispers, “Your dog is the horniest dog I’ve ever seen. Do the kids understand what she’s doing?”

I have to cover my smile as I whisper back, “I know. They think it’s hugging.”

She giggles. “Let’s hope it stays that way.”

Both kids embrace me. I look at them. “I missed your faces. Do you guys have your bathing suits on?”

Valentina nods. “Yes, I’m so excited. Scotty said his grandma has a huge pool and the biggest playroom he’s ever seen.”

“I heard the same. Let’s drop Dora at our house, and then we have one more errand to run before we go over there.”

An hour later, we pull into Darian and Jackson’s property. It’s enormous. The house is nearly all glass, looking like it belongs in Malibu more than Philadelphia.

Beth had texted to walk in and head straight back to the pool, so that’s what we do. The house is immaculate. Incredibly modern. We can see everyone by the pool through the big glass wall, so we head that way.

As soon as I walk out, I see Beth in her pink bikini, heading my way with a big smile. Luke practically jumps out of the pool and shouts, “Valentina,” as he runs past Beth and hugs Valentina.

I’m not sure how Beth wants me to act with her, though every part of me wants to touch her. She answers my question right away by leaning her entire body into me and softly kissing my lips.
