Page 20 of Unexpected Ventures

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I blow out a breath. “Okay. We’ll go for a quick lunch.”

We agree to meet and make our way to our cars. I give myself a mental pep talk while driving the short distance. Thirty minutes. I can handle being around him for thirty minutes.

We walk in. Dominic has already managed to order a pie for us as everyone slides into the booth.

Luke looks up at me. “Do you have quarters for the games?”

I reach into my purse and hand him a ten-dollar bill. “Get quarters for both of you. Split it evenly.”

“Thanks, Mom.” He turns to Valentina. “Come on. Let’s go.”

She breaks into a big smile as they both run to the arcade machines. I wish adults had the short memories that kids are able to have when it comes to contentious situations.

I turn to the man across from me. “She’s beautiful, Dominic. Truly stunning.” She is. She looks just like the feminine version of him.

He smiles. “Thank you. So is Luke. I met him the other day, Valentina’s first day. I saw his eyes and immediately thought of you. They’re the exact same unique shade of blue. I’m not surprised he’s yours.”

He places his hand over mine, but I pull it away. “Don’t do that.”

“I want to explain.”

“There’s nothing to explain. That night was very out of character for me, Dominic.” I wave my fingers around. “I got swept up in you and your attractiveness.”

He smiles. “You think I’m attractive?”

I give him an incredulous look. “I just…”

“Give me a minute to at least explain. Then you can go right back to hating me. I had a terrible marriage. We weren’t compatible, we never were. I asked for a divorce. We were proceeding. I had moved out. We had already told Valentina. She was a little young to understand, but she knew I lived somewhere else. She was spending nights in my new place. My ex-wife was drinking heavily at the time. One night she called me hysterical. I was worried for both her and Valentina’s safety. I went over to help. One thing led to another, and things happened. It certainly didn’t change anything for me. For us. Two months later was the night you and I met. You were so beautiful. You still are. I was completely taken with you. I couldn’t help myself.” He pauses, as if remembering the night. “The call that night was from her telling me she was pregnant with Matteo from that one and only night I spent with her in the previous year. I was in shock. I’m ashamed of how I left you. My mind was reeling. It’s almost like I blacked out. I hate how I treated you. It still eats at me.”

I’m silent. I have no words for this story.

“I was lost at the time. I should have immediately come to you and explained, but I was dealing with the fallout of everything.”

“You didn’t owe me an explanation.”

“I did, and I still do. I also owe you an apology. The months that followed were terrible. I moved back in, thinking I needed to do it for my family. But in the end, I couldn’t stay with her. I didn’t love her. While I know growing up in a divorced home isn’t ideal, I think growing up in a loveless home is even worse. I left for good before Matteo was even born.”

I blow out a long breath. I’m not sure what for. Maybe sadness for what he’s been through. Maybe relief in knowing I’m not a homewrecker. Maybe a little bit of both.

“Thank you for telling me. I’m sorry for what you dealt with. It sounds painful.”

“It was a tough time, but things are better now. We’ve found a happy place for everyone.”

“Why is Valentina switching schools mid-year, if you don’t mind my asking?”

“My ex-wife’s mother has fallen ill. Her mother is in Cuba, and she had to go and take care of her. I wouldn’t allow her to take the children out of the country. She needs my agreement for that, and she wasn’t getting it. I feel horrible that her mother is dying, but I’m not going to lose out on seeing my kids for months or even a full year until she returns. Once it was decided that they would be living with me, I realized that I needed them in a school closer to my home, one that has a daycare for Matteo, and one with an after-school care program.”

“That makes sense. Well, good luck. Being a single parent without a present co-parent is no walk in the park.”

“I take it your ex-husband isn’t involved with Luke?”

I shake my head. “No. Not at all. We haven’t seen him in months.”

“What about financially?”

I shake my head, and he scowls.

“What kind of man doesn’t take care of his family?”
