Page 26 of Unexpected Ventures

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My father is over for dinner tonight. He’s aged so much since my mother passed. His once dark hair is now mostly gray. She was the love of his life. The light in his world. He’s a bit of a lost soul without her.

He’s a wonderful grandfather, doting on Valentina, but he struggles with Matteo’s lack of communication and lack of warmth. After dinner, the kids watch a movie so my father and I can have a drink together.

We sit in my study, each with a glass of bourbon and a cigar. It’s a bit of a Sunday night tradition for him and me.

He takes a slow puff of the Cuban cigars I keep on hand for both of us. After he exhales, he says, “Valentina seems to like her new school. I think it was a good change for her.”

I nod. “I agree. It’s a much better school. She’s very smart. The curriculum is more advanced. I think it will be good for Matteo too.”

“Why won’t he talk? I don’t understand it. You were chatty at that age. And he’s so cold. I can barely get him to hug me. That’s not the way this family is.”

I run my fingers through my beard. Dealing with Matteo is hard for my father. He lacks patience. “I don’t know, Papa. I think Gabriela made a mistake keeping him home with her and away from other kids. I’m hoping his new daycare will help in that regard. I’m hoping spending more time with me will do the same. You know Gabriela isn’t the warmest person. Perhaps he’s just a bit more like her.”

“Gabriela was never the right woman for you.”

I sigh. “I can’t disagree.” We’ve had this conversation a million times throughout the years.

“She’s a cold bitch.”

I let out a laugh. “Don’t hold back. Tell me how you really feel.”

He smiles. “You were being a good son to your mother, honoring her dying wish. But I told you at the time you didn’t have to marry her. I knew she wasn’t right for you.”

“I know, but I don’t regret it. I have Valentina and Matteo. They mean everything to me.”

He nods in approval. “You’re an amazing father and a great man. I’m very proud of you.” He reaches over and squeezes my hand.

My hearts swells as I squeeze his in return. “Thank you. I learned from the best.”

He leans back and takes another puff of his cigar before asking, “Are you dating anyone?”

I hate this question. How am I supposed to answer it? No, I don’t date because the type of woman you’d bring home and the type of woman that satisfies my needs can never be one and the same. And I’m a little obsessed with a woman I met over four years ago, who’s way too good for me. I would never drag her into my world.

“I don’t have time for that right now. I’m focused on the kids.”

He lets out a small laugh. “Dominic, I’m your father. I may not be young, but I’m no fool. You can’t bullshit me. You’re a man with needs. You’re no saint. You never were.”

I smile. He may be getting older, but he’s still sharp. “Satisfying my needs and dating are two separate things.”

“Not if you find the right person. The woman that satisfies your needs in and out of the bedroom. I found that.”

I scrunch my face in disgust. “Ugh. Please don’t talk about Mama that way.”

“Why not? That’s an important part of a marriage. It’s perfectly healthy.”

“I don’t need to think of you two like that.”

He rolls his eyes. “There’s no one that strikes your fancy?”

I’m quiet. Too quiet. He smiles. “Is it someone new or the woman you’ve been pining after for years?”

I take another sip of my bourbon. “I sawher. Coincidentally, her son and Valentina are in the same class.”

“Tell me more about this mystery woman that captivated you four years ago.”

“There’s nothing to tell. She’s too good for me. She’s sweet and wholesome. I won’t go there.”

