Page 29 of Unexpected Ventures

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I begin kissing her neck, and after a few seconds she turns her body to mine and moans. Her fingers start roaming my body. I know I’ve got her right where I want her.

The door to my dorm room flies open with a loud thud, and Sebastian walks in wearing last night’s clothes, with his dark hair looking like it hasn’t been brushed in a week. He looks at us. “Shit. Sorry. You’re supposed to put a cowboy hat on the door when she’s here.”

I roll my eyes. “That’s so cliché. I’m not doing that.”

“I do it all the time.”

“I know. Trust me, I know.”

He gives me a self-satisfied smirk. Cocky fucker. “We have to be in the locker room in fifteen minutes. We need to get going.”

I plop back down and sigh. There goes my morning happiness. I have no chance now.

She sits up with the blankets tucked under her armpits. “Seb, can you give me like two minutes to get dressed? I’ll be quick. I promise.”

He narrows his eyes and points at us. “No funny business. I’m coming back in exactly two minutes no matter what. I’ve been his roommate all year. I know loverboy can’t finish in two minutes.”

She laughs. “Marathon man promises to keep his hands off me.”

Sebastian nods, grabs a change of clothes, and walks out.

I pull her to me one last time, but she pulls away and stands in my dorm room completely naked. Fuck, she’s hot. She’s tiny but has full breasts and a full ass I love to grab. Her silky, long brown hair with blue streaks hangs all the way to her ass. Her skin is golden and smooth. She’s like a doll. A perfect doll.

“You’re so beautiful, cariño.” I reach over and run my hand up her leg.

She smacks my hand. “And you’re trying to get me back in bed, sweet talker.”

I smile. “Is it working?”

She narrows her eyes at me. “No. I’m leaving.”

“Are you coming to my game today?”

She slides into her jeans and a T-shirt. “I’ll try. I’m behind on this project. A certain sexy man keeps me in bed for hours.”

She leans over and kisses my lips one last time. “I’ll see you later, love. Have a good game.”

I nod and she heads out. Sebastian makes his way back in while I’m getting dressed.

I can’t help the smile on my face. He shakes his head. “Cool it, man. You’re obsessed with her. You’re too young for that. You’re almost as good-looking as me. You could be scoring with a new chick every night like I do. Why dip in the same well twice?”

I shrug. “Because I’m in love with her. I don’t want anyone else.”

“You’re nineteen. She’s hot and is a good lay. Relax with the love talk.” He mumbles, “She’s gonna fuck with your head.”

“Why do you say that?”

“She’s weird. I saw her hanging with the hippies on campus getting loaded the other day. You’re an athlete. You can’t be around that kind of shit. Dom, you might get drafted. You could actually play professional baseball one day. You can’t get mixed up with someone like her. She’s sexy and has a banging body, but she’s bad news.”

I’m getting angry. “Stop it. She’s not bad news. She’s the best thing that ever happened to me.”

He places his hand on my shoulder. “I’m your best friend. I want to shoot straight with you. She’s not the best thing that ever happened to you. She could be your undoing though. Focus on baseball. There might be professional scouts at the game today. They’re here to watch you pitch. Your dreams are about to come true. Don’t let a tight, wet pussy derail you.”

I hit his hand off me. “Don’t talk about her like that. I love her. She’ll be my wife one day.”

He runs his hands through his hair. “What? You’re fucking nuts. Take a breath. You’re young. Enjoy the good sex and then let it go when it’s time.” He shakes his head. “Come on, let’s head down to the field and warm up. I told Kevin to get breakfast for us since we don’t have time.”

I spend the whole game looking in the stands, but she never comes. Gabriela Navarro was there, as she always is, but not my girl. Gabriela was smiling and waving every time I looked that way. I think she thought I was looking at her. I wasn’t.
