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“What’s her name?”

“Valentina.” His entire face lights up at the mention of her name. It’s sweet.

“Tell me, Dominic Mazzello, why do you have an Italian name if you’re Latino?”

He smiles again. “Everyone assumes I’m Italian because of my name. I’m impressed that you knew otherwise.”

“I knew as soon as I saw you. Even if I didn’t, you’ve been calling me princesa.”

He tucks my hair behind my ear. “You are a princesa.” His eyes bore into mine. “You have the most penetrating blue eyes I’ve ever seen.”

Admittedly, most men do mention my eyes, they’re an unusually light shade of blue, but there’s something so sincere and sexual in the way he says it. His use of the wordpenetratinghas my mind spinning.

He licks his lower lip. “My paternal grandfather was Italian. My grandmother was Cuban, and my entire mother’s side of the family is Cuban. I was raised in a Spanish-speaking house, not Italian.”

“Do you still speak much Spanish?”

His sexy eyes meet mine. “Solo cuando estoy enojado o encendido.” He licks his lower lip again as I look at him in question. He smiles. “Only when I’m angry or turned on.”

He pulls me as close as possible, so I can feel just how impressively turned on he is. “Me gusta la forma en que tu cuerpo se siente en el mío.”I like the way your body feels on mine.

I swallow hard. I don’t know what he said, but it sounded good, and I know he’s turned on. He’s the most effortlessly sexual man I’ve ever been around. It practically oozes out of him. His gaze alone is soaking my panties.

We continue to sway. I’m not sure if it’s to the beat of the music. I can’t hear or see anything else right now except Dominic.

We’re silent, staring at each other. There’s something happening here. Something I’ve never before experienced with a man. I’m not sure I’ve ever met someone and wanted him the way I want Dominic right now. I can feel my heart beat between my legs.

His hands run up and down the sides of my body. I can’t help but trace my fingertips along his soft face and over his lips. I’m losing control of my own actions. I’m not a forward woman, but I’m feeling a bit uninhibited around him.

He begins to bring his lips toward mine, but before they meet, someone crashes into us. Their foot comes down onto my ankle, rolling it awkwardly. Dominic catches me so I don’t fall, but it hurts.

I wince in pain as the man apologizes.

Cassandra and Trevor come running over. She grabs my arm. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” Though when I try to put weight on it, I nearly collapse. Again, Dominic catches me.

He lifts me and cradles me into his arms. “I’ll take her for some ice.”

Oh my god. I’m so embarrassed. “Dominic, you don’t need to carry me. I can walk.”

He shakes his head. “Let’s get you ice and take a look at your ankle before you put any pressure on it.”

Cassandra smirks at our interaction and closeness. “You two kids have fun. Don’t do anything I would do. Let me know if you need me.”

At that, Dominic moves us toward the bar and asks the bartender for a bag of ice. Once he brings it to us, we exit the ballroom.

“Let’s find somewhere quiet to ice your ankle.”

He opens one door, but we hear moans of ecstasy. “Yes, Jackson. Like that.”

Dominic and I smile at each other. That was definitely Darian and Jackson. I suppose I’m not surprised. His hands are never far from her body, and they’re well known for disappearing at parties.

We move on to another door, but it’s locked. We can hear moans through that door too.

We move to a third door with the same result. Is this a fancy hotel or a brothel?

Finally, when we get to a fourth door, an attractive, familiar man that I can’t quite place walks out and looks around a bit frantically. “Did you see a brunette woman walk out of here? Did you see which way she went?”
