Page 56 of Unexpected Ventures

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“I’ve never heard him laugh like that. Maybe a giggle here and there, but nothing like that. My son is nearly four and I’ve never made him laugh like that. You’ve been with him twice and he’s putty in your hands.”

I rub his arm. “Maybe he’s just starting to feel less anxious. You put him in the daycare to help him learn to socialize. Perhaps it’s working.”

He slowly nods. “Maybe. You’re just so…so…good with him. He’s comfortable with you. I’ve never seen him like that with anyone. Gabriela and I included.”

Dominic still seems off. I don’t think it’s just Matteo. “Is something else bothering you? You don’t seem right.”

He rubs the back of his hand down my cheek. “Thanks for noticing. I tend to have a pretty good poker face, but you see right through it all.”

“Tell me what’s wrong.”

“It’s Gabriela. Valentina couldn’t stop talking about you this morning, and now Gabriela is jealous. She was carrying on about me trying to replace her while she’s gone. She mentioned suing for full custody and moving the kids to Cuba.”

I wrap my arms around his waist. “Oh, Dominic, I’m so sorry.”

He holds me tight to him. “That’s why I was late. I was talking to my attorney. He doesn’t think she has any legal right to do so, but I’m still scared. I can’t lose them.”

I pull back and look up at him. “You won’t. I don’t know family law well, but I know enough to know that it’s unlikely that it will happen. They don’t actively pull kids away from their fathers for no good reason. They certainly don’t send them to foreign countries, effectively stripping you of your parental rights.”

He nods. “I hope so. I couldn’t bear it.”

“I know. Come on. Let’s get back to the kids before they completely destroy my kitchen.”

He smiles and we make our way back in. As soon as we do, we realize our mistake. They’ve already destroyed my kitchen. There’s muffin batter everywhere. I don’t know how it happened in the two minutes we were gone.

Dominic blows out a breath. “Oh boy.”

The kids look guilty but all smile at each other like they’ve got a secret. I see that Trex is completely covered in flour.

We clean the kids and the cat, get most of the muffins in the oven, and then turn on a movie for them so we can clean in peace.

I ordered food for Dominic and me. He removes his shirt and tie, leaving him in a tight white undershirt. I can’t help but stare at him. He’s just so hot. Am I expected to concentrate when he looks like that? I bite my lip to stifle a comment about it.

He smiles. “You like what you see?”

“You know I do.” I swallow, continuing to clean, unable to make eye contact. “But I know you don’t. I get it. There’s no need to make a big deal of it.”

He lets out a breath as he turns to me. “Beth.”

I’m trying to be strong and not feel the embarrassment of his rejection. I gather myself and turn toward him. “Wha…”

Before I finish my word, he takes a heaping handful of batter from the counter and flings it at my face. Half of my face is immediately covered in stickiness.

I wipe my batter-covered eye and look at him in shock. He simply smiles at me. It’s softer and more playful than sexy, but everything he does is sexy.

I turn to the countertop next to me and grab a handful of batter sitting there. I hold my hand up.

His eyes widen. “Don’t you dare.” He points to his pants. “I’m in work clothes.”

Without any further thought, I fling it at him. The gooey mixture spreads across his face and shirt, with a drop or two splattered onto his pants.

At the same time, we both reach for more batter. He grabs my wrist before I can throw anymore at him and spreads another handful across my face.

We’re both laughing as he bends and licks it off.

I squirm in his arms, though he easily overtakes me. He holds my arms down as we continue to laugh, though as our eyes meet, the laughter subsides.

He runs his hands up my arms and shoulders until they reach my face. He grabs it with both hands and smashes his lips to mine.
