Page 62 of Unexpected Ventures

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I mumble, “Cassandra has a big mouth.”

She shakes her head. “Scotty told me. Luke told him that Dominic asked his permission to make you his girlfriend.” She touches her chest over her heart. “That’s the cutest thing I’ve ever heard.”

“It was sweet. Yes, I guess we’re dating. It’s new though. I’m not sure we should have involved the kids, but it just sort of happened that way.”

She rubs my arm. “I think it’s great. He seems like a nice guy. He’s certainly good-looking. If you all ever need a getaway, feel free to use our shore house. You’re welcome anytime.”

Harley and Brody have a gorgeous shore house. It’s huge and right on the beach. There’s a deck overlooking the ocean and a rooftop hot tub. With it only being ninety minutes away, we’ve all spent a lot of time there since I’ve been included in family events.

“Thank you. I’ll mention it to Dominic. It might be nice to get out of town for a weekend.”

Skylar, Reagan, Jade, and her mother, Amanda, come sit with us. Jade is holding Trex. She lifts him up. “What’s her name?”

“He’s a boy. His name is Trex.”

She looks under him. “I see no penis.”

“Cat’s penises are inverted unless they’re aroused.”

She shrugs. “I guess I don’t do it for cats. Why is his name Trex?”

“I named him T-Rex because his front paws are so short and Luke loved dinosaurs at the time, but Luke couldn’t pronounce it, so it evolved into Trex.”

She nods in understanding. “Did you know that there are a lot of dinosaur romance novels?”

Harley and I look at each other in question. I turn back. “Like romance stories between dinosaurs?”

She shakes her head. “No, like a human woman and a dinosaur get it on.”

Reagan and Skylar start laughing. I’m in shock. “Who wants to read about a woman getting it on with dinosaur? How would that even work physically?”

She shrugs. “I don’t know, but it’s definitely a thing. Some sort of fetish.”

Amanda nods in agreement. “She’s right. There are women into that. I saw one the other day titledJurassic Pork: The Lust World.”

Now we’re all laughing. Reagan asks, “Is there one called Cock-A-Saurus Rex?”

Amanda smiles. “I don’t know. To be clear, I don’t read them, I’ve just seen them. I prefer to keep things in the human realm, though I did just read a genie romance novel by Jade Dollston and absolutely loved it.”

Jade enthusiastically nods. “I read that one too. It was really good. I can handle a hot Cajun genie, but not a dinosaur.”

I shake my head. “I certainly don’t get the dino appeal, but to each their own.”

Reagan turns to Skylar. “Maybe Lance could dress up as a dinosaur for you. A littledinoplay. Or a littledinolingus.”

Skylar rolls her eyes while Harley and Reagan both laugh. I feel like I’m missing something here but don’t bother to ask.

Jade ends the weird conversation by saying, “Mom, did I tell you that I was interviewing a man the other day and he was totally obsessed with your paintings in my office?”

Amanda smiles. “Oh, that’s nice to hear.”

“He seemed to know your real name.”

I interrupt, “You don’t sign Amanda Tremaine on your paintings?”

She shakes her head. “No. I’ve always signed everythingEnchanted. At least after Jade was born. I thought it afforded some privacy if I ever hit it big and needed it. I love the wordEnchanted. It’s so whimsical.”

Jade shakes her head. “Mom still believes in fairytales.”
