Page 72 of Unexpected Ventures

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“See you then, Dom. And thanks for always checking in. It means a lot to me.”

“My pleasure.”

As soon as I end the call, my cell phone rings, and I see that it’s Sebastian. I accept the call. “To what do I owe the pleasure of a call from the one and only Sebastian Monroe?”

I hear him blow out a long breath. “I’ve had the week from hell. I need to blow off some steam. Want to go out tonight?”

“Why? What happened?”

“Work is stressful and just some other shit. Want to hit a club with me? I need to get laid.”

“Seb, you know I’m seeing someone. I’m not going to a club with you. I rarely did that when I wasn’t seeing someone, certainly not now. Plus, we’re having dinner at Kevin and Claudia’s tonight.”

“Oh. Why wasn’t I invited?”

“I imagine it’s because Lindsay is coming.”

“You guys are fucking taking her side? Inviting her to things and not me?”

“There are no sides. You’re our friend. She’s our friend. She most definitely did nothing wrong in your divorce. You were too dumb to realize how good you had it.”

He blows out a breath and mumbles, “I know. Believe me, I know.”

That’s the first time he’s admitted anything along those lines. I’ve suspected he has regrets, but I’ve never heard him outwardly articulate it.

“You okay, Seb?”

“I…I miss her. Maybe I’ll come by.”

“If you’re going to fuck with her head, don’t bother. It’s not fair to her.”

He blows out an audible breath. “I guess you’re right. Have a good night. Maybe we can catch up another day.”

“Sounds good.”

I’m about to hang up when he says, “Dom, you’re pretty into this woman you’re seeing?”

“I am.”

“I’m happy for you. I haven’t seen you remotely date since…”

“I know. It’s going well though. I don’t want to fuck it up.”

“Hey, make sure this one is good for you. The last one wasn’t, and I don’t mean Gabriela.”

“I hear you. She’s different. I’m the one that’s not good enough for her.”

“You’re the best man I know, brother.”

I smile. “Compared to you, anyone is good.”

“Dick. Catch you later.”

As soon as I hang up, my phone rings again. What the hell? I’m trying to get out of here.

I see that it’s Gabriela and answer, “You’ve landed?”

“Yes. A while ago. I was able to catch an earlier flight. I just picked up the kids from school.”
