Page 74 of Unexpected Ventures

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Rose’s eyes are wide open. I see her mouth, “Holy shit.”

“What’s up, Rose?”

“I was just going to ask if he can stay up a little late. I’m introducing him to cheesy eighties movies tonight.”

“That’s fine.”

Dominic tilts his head so he can see Rose. “Hey there. I’m Dominic.”

She smiles, clearly affected by the gorgeous man before her. She says, “I’m available…I mean, I’m Rose.”

Dominic smirks. This must happen to him all the time. “It’s nice to meet you, Rose.” He takes my hand. “We should get going, princesa. We’re already late. I got held up.”

He starts walking out. Rose mouths to me, “He’s so hot.”

I mouth back, “I know.”

Dominic tells me a bit about his friends on the way. Kevin was one of his best friends and teammates in college. He met Claudia their senior year and they have been inseparable since. They have two kids much older than ours. The ex-wife of his other close college friend, Sebastian, will be there too. Her name is Lindsay. They’ve remained close with her despite the divorce. He told me she is still struggling with it, but that Claudia is a good friend to her.

We arrive at their house. It’s a beautiful, large colonial home in a nice Philadelphia suburb. I’m a little nervous, but Dominic takes my hand in his big, warm one which immediately settles my nerves.

Before we get to the door, it flies open with a teenage boy running out. He immediately stops when he sees us and smiles. “Hey, Uncle Dom. I haven’t seen you in a while.”

Dominic hugs him in a familiar way. “Benny, my boy. How are you?”

He fake punches Dominic in the stomach. “Stop calling me Benny. It’s Ben now. I’m not five anymore.”

Dominic smirks at me. Clearly he does it to get a rise out of him.

Ben turns and looks at me. “Who’s the hottie?”

“Benny, this is my girlfriend, Beth.” Is it weird that I get butterflies when he calls me his girlfriend?

I hold out my hand. “It’s nice to meet you,Ben.”

Ben laughs. “See, Uncle Dom, I’ve known her for three seconds and she gets my name.”

Dominic smiles. “Where are you headed?”

“I’m going to hang with my girlfriend. I’ll catch you later. Mom has the margarita mix out. I need to get out of dodge before she starts dancing on the table and making TikToks.”

Dominic laughs as Ben heads to his car.

The door is open so we walk inside. The house is traditional and warm. It’s neat but not too neat. It looks like a family lives here.

We hear voices in the kitchen and walk in. They look up and smile when they see us.

A man that I assume is Kevin gives Dominic a huge hug. He looks like an older version of Ben, being tall and skinny with light brown hair.

An extremely attractive woman with long, straight dark hair and hazel eyes greets me. “I’m Claudia, you must be Beth.”

“I am. Thank you for having us.” I hand her a bottle of tequila that Dominic had in the car for her.

She smiles. “You know the way to my heart. We were just about to make margaritas. Are you in?”

I enthusiastically nod. “You bet I am.”

She turns to a sexy blonde with tight curls. “This is Lindsay.”
