Page 78 of Unexpected Ventures

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We haven’t seen each other in a week. It’s the longest we’ve gone since we started dating. I’ve truly missed him.

We decided to take Harley up on her offer to stay at their shore house for New Year’s Eve. They have a firepit and a huge hot tub on their roof. The house is right on the beach, though it’s certainly notswim in the oceanweather.

Nonetheless, the kids and Dora have been playing in the sand for hours. The dog is running around like crazy, humping anyone that passes by. She’ll sleep well tonight.

Dominic and I are cuddled up with a blanket on the deck watching them. His hands have been all over my body since we got here. He’s always affectionate, which I love, but he’s taking it to another level right now. Pushing the envelope.

His hand is squeezing my inner thigh and his lips are on my neck. “I need you.” His hand moves up my thigh.

I grab his wrist. “Dominic, the kids are twenty feet away. As soon as they go to bed, you can have your wicked way with me, but you need to be patient.”

“Let’s put them to bed now.”

I let out a laugh. “It’s three in the afternoon.”

He tilts his head back and blows out a long breath. “This is the longest I’ve ever gone without having sex.”

I look at him in shock. “One week? One week is the longest you’ve ever gone?”

He gives me a boyish smile. “Since I was about sixteen years old, yes.”

I mumble, “Maybe you really are an addict.”

He lifts me and places me on his lap. “Yes, now feed the beast.”

I can feel his giant erection on my leg. He’s hard as a rock. He wasn’t kidding. I think he is an addict. “Tell me what a normal week would look like if I wasn’t in the picture.”

He shakes his head. “No. That’s not a good idea.”

“Tell me. I want to know more about the things you like to do.” I live in fear of not keeping him sexually satisfied. How can I do that when he hasn’t shared certain things with me?

“I’d have a lot of sex.”

“We have a lot of sex.”

“Not this week we didn’t.” He rubs his nose in my neck. “Te extrañé; tu olor, tu sabor. Necesito todo.”I missed you. I missed your smell. I missed your taste. I need all of it.

As soon as he starts talking in Spanish, I lose all touch with reality and my train of thought. My lips immediately move to his. His tongue pushes into my mouth.

God, I missed him too. His scent. His taste. All of him. It’s only been a week and he’s turned me into an addict. But I’m not addicted to sex. I’m addicted to Dominic Mazzello.

The kiss escalates quickly. I whisper into his lips, “I need you too.”

He slips his fingers into my leggings and panties and runs his fingers through me. Oh god, yes. I’ve missed this.

He pushes in deep. I feel my whole body relax while he moves his fingers in and out, knowing exactly where to curl them. I have to grab his shirt to stay upright.

I rub my face on his neck and close my eyes. “Ah, Dominic. I’ve missed your touch.”

He continues pumping in and out of me as his thumb moves to my clit and begins to circle. My body is an instrument and he’s the maestro.

I moan, “I need more of you.” I rub his cock. “I need all of you inside me.”

His other arm is squeezing me tight. He’s about to lose control.

My orgasm is right there, quickly rising to the service at his long vacant touch. I can’t help but let out a small moan.

“Correte para mi, princesa. Luego voy a darte lo que quieras.”Come for me, princess, and then I’ll give you what you want.He bends his head and bites my nipple through my shirt.
