Page 92 of Unexpected Ventures

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He nods. “I hate to ask, but would you mind taking Dora? You can stay here if it’s easier.”

“We’d be happy to take Dora, but for two weeks, I want to be home. She’ll be fine at our house.”

* * *

Valentina and Matteoare understandably upset when they awaken to us telling them about their grandmother. I pack their bags for them. He said two weeks, so that’s how I pack.

Luke and I drive them to the airport. Dominic looks pained on the ride there. He has my hand on his thigh and strokes it over and over. He seems panicked and nervous in a way I’ve never seen from him before.

I whisper, “You’ll be back in two weeks. We can talk every day.” I smile. “Maybe I can put on another video show for you to keep you going.”

He brings my hand to his lips and kisses it. “I don’t deserve you.”

We arrive at the airport and help them remove all their luggage. I hug and kiss Valentina and Matteo, assuring them that I’ll see them in two weeks.

I fall into Dominic’s arms and take in his scent. I can’t believe I have to go two weeks without this. I lift my head and kiss his cheek. “Call me when you get settled in.”

He nods, still looking pained. He pulls away and starts to lift his luggage, but immediately places it back down, turns to me, grabs my face, and, uncaring that the kids are there, takes my lips in his.

I grab onto his shirt and kiss him right back. The kiss turns a bit passionate for our surroundings, but it happens. We keep going until we hear all three kids laughing.

We smile into each other’s lips as the kiss ends.

They pick up their luggage and walk into the airport. At the last second, Dominic turns around and mouths, “Te amo.”I love you.

My heart just about explodes in fullness. Dominic Mazzello loves me. Holy shit.

Little did I know, it would be the last time I saw him.



I’m sweating bullets the entire way to Cuba. I’m trying to put on a brave face for Valentina and Matteo, but I have an uneasy feeling about this trip. Gabriela’s family is a powerful one.

I feel like I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place. How can I deny Gabriela having her children come to her mother’s funeral? But I’m fearful of what waits for us when we land. My father didn’t want me to go.

I hope I’m not making a mistake.

As soon as we land and I see the men in suits waiting for us at the airport, I know I did.

* * *


Dominic didn’t call last night when he landed. I tried to call, but it wouldn’t go through. It said the phone was no longer in service. Maybe in the rush of leaving he forgot to add an international plan to his cell phone service.

I’m at the office talking to someone when my cell rings and it reads out of area. Normally I wouldn’t answer, but because Dominic is in fact out of the area, I do. “Hello.”


His voice immediately soothes me. It’s been one night, and I already need to hear it.

I smile. “Hey, handsome. I miss you. My bed was lonely without you last night.”

He’s silent for a moment. “We need to talk.” I can hear that his breathing is labored.

“Is everything okay?”
