Page 96 of Unexpected Ventures

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“I know you are. But it won’t happen overnight.”

“It’s been six months.”

Six months ago, Gary came walking through our door after having not seen him in nearly a year. Literally, he just walked in my front door. He claimed to have seen the error of his ways and begged for a chance to truly be in Luke’s life. In fairness to him, he’s made more of an effort in the past six months than the entire rest of Luke’s life combined. Luke isn’t completely sold on the idea. He doesn’t trust Gary. I don’t blame him.

He even bought a small house a few blocks away so that Luke could walk between our houses. He comes to most things for Luke. I’m hopeful Luke lets him in at some point. I’m sure part of his fear is what he felt after Dominic left.

“Just keep trying. Little by little, things will get better. You can’t force it. Trust is earned.”

He nods. “You’re right.” He looks behind me as if ensuring that I’m alone. “You’re not making a night of it with your date?”

“Not that it’s any of your business, but it’s not like that between Shawn and me. We’re just friends.”

He rubs my shoulder with his hand. “I’m glad to hear that. Do you ever think about me? About us?”

I shake my head and deadpan, “Not even a little bit.”

Now he’s rubbing both of my arms as he brings his body closer to mine. “You’re so beautiful. We were good together. We could be like that again.”

I think my chin legitimately drops in shock. “Do you have amnesia? We were not good together, and it willneverhappen again.”

He smiles suggestively. “I bet you miss how good things were with us in bed.”

“You mean the bed you brought someone else into?”

He cringes. “That was a long time ago, Bethy.” He shuffles nervously. “I imagine it’s been a while for you. If you need help in that department, I’m here.” He playfully moves his eyebrows up and down. I feel bile rising to the surface of my mouth.

After my time with Dominic, I know that what Gary and I did can barely be considered sex. It was nothing compared to the passion and fire I shared with Dominic. My body burned for him. It still does. I know for a fact that I’ll never have that again with another man.

I feel no need to tear Gary down though. I step away and say, “I think it’s time for you to go. Don’t bring this up again. It will never happen. I want you to have a good relationship with Luke, but it will only ever be Luke.”

“Okay, but if you change your…”

“I won’t. That’s a guarantee.”

Gary nods and leaves. I blow out a long breath. What a weird night. Propositioned by two men, neither of which I feel an ounce of passion for. At least Shawn is a good guy and I feel bad about it. Gary must be smoking crack if he thinks I would ever fall into bed with him again. That cheating bastard will never be more than Luke’s father to me.

I walk into my kitchen and take out a bottle of wine. My wine refrigerator used to be full, but now it’s nearly empty. I think I’m turning into a full-blown alcoholic, needing my nightly dose ofmedicine. Several glasses of medicine.

The only bottle left is Snoop Dogg wine. Jade turned me on to it and it’s shockingly good.

I pour myself a large glass and down the whole thing in one go. I pour another before returning the cork to the bottle and placing it in the wine refrigerator, pretending that it will be my last glass of the night.

I should take a hot bath and try to relax. Who am I kidding? I’ll do what I do most nights while Luke is asleep. Touch myself while watching Spanish porn. Maybe a day will come when I don’t need dirty talking in Spanish to get off. That day certainly isn’t here now.

I start to leave the kitchen when the doorbell rings. That’s odd. Gary must have forgotten something.

I walk to the front door and begin to open it. “Since when do you bother to ring the doorbell, Gar…”

But it’s not Gary.

It’s Dominic.

I gasp as my hand shakes and I almost drop my glass of wine. Somehow, he grabs the glass to steady it and removes it from my hand.

I whisper, “Dominic,” as my eyes immediately fill with tears. If possible, he’s gotten even more attractive. The simple sight of him has a million emotions rising to the surface. I’m catapulted back to the day after he left, when the pain sliced through me like a knife.

“Princesa, eres más bonita que recuerdo. Me quitas el aliento. Dios, como te he extrañado.”Princess, you’re even more beautiful than I remember you. You take my breath away. God, how I’ve missed you.
