Page 98 of Unexpected Ventures

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“Please let me back in.” He chokes on his emotions for a moment before he whispers, “I need you.”

I can’t help the tears now streaming down my cheeks. “What about what I needed?” I tap the left side of my chest. “There’s nowhere to let you in anymore. I’m empty inside. You made sure of that.”

“That’s not true. You have the biggest heart of anyone I’ve ever met.”

“Had. Like a fool, Ihada big heart. It was yours and you shattered it into a million tiny pieces. It willneverbe whole again. I keep a small part of it pumping for Luke and my sister. That’s it. The rest of it is dead.”

He looks pained. He has no right to feel that way. He did this to us, not me.

I feel rage pushing to the surface. I clench my fists at my side. “Do you hear me, Dominic? You. Fucking. Broke. Me. I have nothing left to give you or any other man. I never will. Now get the fuck off my property before I call the police. Don’t ever contact me again. Don’t go near my son. We don’t want to see you. You can go straight to hell.”

I turn around, walk back inside my house, and quickly close the door. I slide down to the ground and cry myself into oblivion.

* * *


She walks inside her house and slams the door in my face. I was expecting trepidation. I was expecting tears. Hell, I even considered the fact that she might be with another man. What I wasn’t expecting was her being cold and nasty. That’s not her. That’s not the Beth I know. Knew.

I make my way home and pull into my long driveway. It’s hard to believe it’s been over a year since I’ve slept here. The last time I slept in my bed, it was with Beth. We made love for hours. She told me she loved me. She looked at me with trust. She trusted me with her heart, and I did what she said. I broke it.

I walk in and see my father sitting there with a bourbon for himself and another he holds out for me. “How did it go?”

I take the glass as I shake my head.

He nods in understanding. “I thought it might go that way, all things considered. Give her a little time.”

“I don’t think so, Dad. She hates me.Reallyhates me.” Tears sting my eyes. “I’ve lost her.”

“Did you explain everything?”

“She wouldn’t listen. She didn’t want to hear it. I can’t blame her.” I look down. “A man walked out of her house when I arrived.” Seeing that drove a dagger through my heart.

“It’s been a year, Dominic. What did you expect? She’s a beautiful, smart, young woman.”

I run my fingers through my hair as I sip my bourbon. “I don’t know. I didn’t expect the cold woman I saw tonight. I didn’t expect to see a man at her house. I’m not sure who he was. She said she has nothing left to give me or any man. That she’s empty inside. I fear the pained look on her face will never leave me, knowing I caused it.”

“If she’s pained, she still cares. Even though you asked me not to, I tried to reach out to her a few times while you were gone. She said it was too hard to talk to me. That’s because she loves you.”

“Maybe you’re right. She was different though. She was so callous. I’ve never seen anything but kindness and warmth from her until tonight.”

“That comes only from heartache. You and I both know that’s not who she is. If you love her, and I think we both know you do, keep chipping away. Her reaction tells me she’s not over you. It tells me you have a chance.”

I nod. “I’ll try. How were the kids?”

“Not a peep since you left. They’re happy to be home and sleeping peacefully for the first time in a year.”

“Thanks for coming. I couldn’t go a night back here without seeing her.”

He places his hand on my shoulder. “Anytime. I’m just happy you’re home. I’ve missed you so much. All of you.”



Iwas up all night. I need to figure things out. I need to understand what’s going on with Beth. She’s not the same woman I left a year ago.

There’s only one person to talk to right now. I quietly make my way into Beth’s law firm and knock on Cassandra’s door. No one else is here. I know she’s usually in early before anyone else.
