Page 146 of Enchanted Ventures

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“Don’t shed another tear over him. I want you to relax. Let nature take its course with Beckett. Time will heal your wounds and you’ll find your way back to each other. You just worry about taking care of my grandbaby.”

“I will. I wish you lived here.”

“I’m considering moving back to the area. Next time I’m in, I’m going to house hunt.”

My tears quickly are quickly replaced by a big smile. “I can’t tell you how happy that would make me. Jade didn’t have any grandparents. I’m so thrilled our baby will have you.”

“So am I.”

“Can I ask you something, Glinda?”

“Of course. Anything.”

“It was obvious at the airport that things have progressed with Nico. When did that happen?”

“As you know, there’s always been some flirting. But Italy was when we took things to the next level. We sat down with Beckett recently. Though he was in no position to resist, he gave us his blessing. He said he wanted me to be happy.”

I squeal with excitement. “I’m thrilled for you. This has been a long time coming.” And I’m relieved that Beckett offered no resistance.

“It has.”

“Is that why you want to move back?”

“In some part, but I also want to be close to my growing family.”

“I’m so excited about all of it. And he’s hot.”

“Oh, dear, you have no idea just how hot he is.”



I’m pacing a hole in the floor. “Is it normal for it to take this long? Where are they?”

Amanda shakes her head and smiles. It immediately soothes me. She always calms the crazy bouncing around in my head. “It’s been three minutes. Relax.”

“I donated a wing to this damn hospital. I want you to have VIP service. I’m going to the front desk.”

In a stern voice, she says, “Beckett, sit down and be quiet.”

Because I’m totally whipped, I stop dead in my tracks, find a chair, and sit.

A few seconds later the doctor finally walks in, and I mumble, “It’s about time.”

“Ignore grumpy, Dr. Crest.”

He gives a cocky smile. I dislike him immediately. “How are you feeling, Amanda?”

Why does he know her first name? How familiar is he?

In her normal, cheery demeanor, she replies, “Totally fine. No morning sickness at all.”

No morning sickness? “Isn’t it healthy to have morning sickness? Maybe something is wrong.”

Dr. Fuckface shakes his head. “Not necessarily. Some women don’t have any. Did you have it with Jade?”

Amanda shakes her head. “No. None.”
