Page 155 of Enchanted Ventures

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I scrunch my nose. “I may have told him about our news in the office this week. I was over-the-top excited, and he noticed.”

Beth picks up on what’s happening. “You’re pregnant, Amanda?”

She immediately covers her mouth, realizing she practically yelled it. It’s like a record scratch. Everything, and everyone, goes quiet.

Declan walks over to her. “You’re pregnant?”

She nods.

He’s still for a moment before holding out his arms. “I’m so happy for you. I know you always wanted more kids.”

She hugs him in return. “Thank you.”

I look over at the kids in the pool. I don’t want Andie to learn about it like this, but they’re yelling and screaming, not paying attention to the adults. They didn’t hear anything.

Jackson pops a few bottles of champagne. There’s a toast to Beth and Dominic’s engagement and our pregnancy.

Jade looks around and happily announces, “Wow, Mom, you’ve slept with, like, a third of the guys at this big table.”

I feel like my throat is about to close, but the table breaks out into hysterics and Amanda joins in. While I don’t share their excitement over it, I manage to remain calm.

We sit around all afternoon and into the evening with the big family. They’re all so close. I’m learning that risqué humor is their norm.

Amanda hasn’t stopped touching me all night. I don’t know what happened with her and Dominic before I got here, but my girl is needing constant contact withme, and I’m loving it. And I’m proud of myself for remaining calm and not saying or doing something stupid in the heat of jealous, insecure moments.

I whisper in her ear, “Come home with me. I need to hold you.”

She turns to me with so much love and affection written on her face. How did I ever doubt her?

“I need it too, Beckett, but I’m not ready to be physical with you yet. I’m a little scared to let myself go with you. I get so lost in you.”

“I don’t need sex. Well, I do, but I understand. I just want you in my space again. Let me breathe you in all night.”

She hesitates for a moment before eventually nodding. I feel the most relief I’ve felt in over two months.

When we’re about to leave, Reagan pulls me aside. “Have you heard anything about the Cougars?”

“As in the Philadelphia professional baseball team?”


“No. I know Harold Greene is getting old, but I haven’t heard anything specific. What’s going on?”

“I went to college with his grandson. He called me this morning. He said the Greene family is considering selling the team and asked me if I want to put a group together to put in a bid. This isn’t public information yet.”

A blow out a breath. “Wow. The Greene family has owned the Cougars for over half a century. It must be close to a billion dollars to buy.”

She nods. “I was thinking the same. I might put a small group together and make a legitimate play for it. Any interest in joining forces?”

“I’m pretty sure it’s the dream of every Philly kid to one day play for or own the Cougars. I’m in. Who else are you thinking of asking?”

“I’m meeting with Auburn Bouvier this week.”

I let out a laugh. “That grumpy fucker? I hear he’s finally getting married.”

“He is. My mom and Jackson met her at a party a few months ago. They love her.”

“He’s a good guy. He’d be great for this. I’ll be there.”
