Page 4 of Enchanted Ventures

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My eyes move up and down his big, warm, sexy body until they return to the hand I placed on his chest. My wedding band catches my eye and I immediately step back. The tears return. “I...I…I can’t do this. I need to go.” Without another word, I turn and run out of the room. I hear him call my name, but I keep running.

I make it into the ballroom just in time to see a woman I assume is Reagan on the microphone welcoming everyone. Jade was right. Reagan is practically her twin, being another tall, gorgeous blonde. If Jade wants to know what she’ll look like in ten years, she needs to look no further.

I take in my surroundings. There must be over three hundred people here. The décor in this room oozes wealth. A huge dance floor, club vibes, and at least three bars that I can see. Wow.

Reagan mentions something about her recent marriagebefore practically dry humping her husband, Carter, in front of everyone. Jade mentioned that the family is extremely outwardly affectionate. I don’t think I’ve been with a man like that since my college boyfriend.

Carter is a giant of a man. He’s highly attractive, with a beard, and is clearly not afraid to publicly love his wife.

After Reagan pulls away and fans herself, she says, “While we’re celebrating, I want to mention that it was my cousin Jade’s birthday last week. Where are you, gorgeous?”

Reagan looks around the room. I haven’t seen Jade either. She’s a six-foot blonde. She’s kind of hard to miss, unlike me who’s a short brunette. Jade is all her father, Declan McGinley.

I finally see Jade make her way to the front of the room. She’s grinning from ear to ear. I’m so happy for her that she’s connected with this side of the family. It only happened a few months ago. She never knew they existed until recently, but she’s always craved family, something I was unfortunately never able to give her. Jade’s childhood may not have been a dream, but it was a hell of a lot better than my nightmare.

Reagan throws her arm around Jade. “Happy birthday, beautiful. She’s eighteen now, gentleman, so take a number. The line is going to be long.”

I roll my eyes at her comment. Jade has certainly never lacked for male attention. She revels in it, bouncing from man to man. And I mean men, not boys. She gravitates toward older men. It’s been a bone of contention between her and me for ages. I think she fake dated a boy closer to her age, thinking she was appeasing me, but I know my daughter. She was never into him.

Declan and his new wife, Melissa, approach me. He kisses my cheek. “I didn’t know you would be here.”

“Reagan called and invited me just this week, knowing she was going to celebrate Jade’s birthday too. It was extremely thoughtful of her.”

Melissa kisses my cheek as well. “I love your dress. You look gorgeous.”

I smile. “So do you.” Melissa is the opposite of me in every single way. Like Jade, she’s very tall and blonde. She’s the epitome of wealth and class, while I’m usually found in ripped jeans and an old concert T-shirt. As always, she’s dressed in a designer outfit, looking stunning. She’s been nothing but kind to me and, more importantly, kind to Jade. As far as I’m concerned, she’s the best thing that ever happened to an often-volatile Declan. I’m thankful she’s in their lives.

Melissa looks around curiously. “Is Rick with you?”

I shake my head. “No, he had a few work commitments in New York.” And I may not have told him about this party because I needed a minute to myself.

She nods in understanding. Rick works in New York City. I split my time between there and Philadelphia. Jade, who has always exclusively lived with me, now lives with Declan and Melissa three days a week when I’m up in New York, though I kept my home here. I love my little house in Philly. It’s where I come to paint and spend time with my daughter as she finishes her final year of high school.

Declan smiles. “We’re going to the bar. Can I get you a piña colada?”

“I can’t believe you remember what I drink. No, I already had one. I’m going to head out soon. I just came to see Jade for a few minutes. Reagan mentioned celebrating her, so I didn’t want to miss it, and I’d love to finally meet her new family. I’m going to go find her. You two have a greatevening.”

Declan and Melissa make their way to the bar while I make my way toward Jade. She smiles as soon as she sees me and runs to give me a big hug. “Hi, Mom. Thanks for coming.”

I look my gorgeous daughter, who is wearing a seemingly expensive red gown, up and down. “You’re so beautiful.”

She runs her hands along the material. “Ilovethis dress. It’s the nicest thing I’ve ever owned. Melissa got it for me.”

“I figured. You look like you’re thirty years old. Stop growing up.”

She laughs and then winks. “It works with the older guys.”

I scowl at her. “Date boys your own age.”

She gives me her mischievous smile. “Never.” She looks around. “I found a hottie earlier. I was with him before Reagan called me up front. I don’t know where he went though.”

“How old, Jade?”

She mumbles. “I don’t know. Probably in his thirties.”

I shake my head. “That’s way too old for you. What do you think a man that age is going to expect from you?”

“Great sex, I hope.”
