Page 41 of Enchanted Ventures

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Jaques: Est-ce que c'est sauf de parlait?

Jenny was French Canadian. She grew up in Quebec. Her parents still live there and barely speak any English. She came over to the States for college and then stayed. She always maintained a significant French accent. It was cute and sexy, and I loved it. I did my best to pick up the language throughout the past few years. I’m not fluent, but I’m pretty sure he wrote,is it safe to talk?




Beckett and I lay in bed on our second night together. I turn to him. “What’s your dad like? Is he warm like your mom?”

He turns and looks into my eyes. “He’s the opposite. He’s cold. I’ll never understand why they got married. It’s so obvious that they’re a mismatch. They got divorced when I was in elementary school. I have few memories of them together. I spent very little time with him. He’s a big Philly lawyer. The only thing he ever cared about was me going to law school, and when I didn’t, he barely spoke to me for years.”

“What? You’re one of the most successful people on the planet. How in the world could he think poorly of you?”

“He was a third-generation, male Windsor lawyer. It’s like I fucked up the lineage by doing something else. Andthe fact that I’ve stayed home with Andie for the past few years drives his male ego nuts.”

“Does he see Andie?”

“He remarried about ten years ago to a woman my age. She hosts a ridiculously fancy dinner party once a month. Andie and I are invited. I kind of think it’s about appearances. He looks like the doting grandfather. For the past year or two, Andie sleeps over that night. She hates it, but she muscles through it. He doesn’t otherwise see her.”

“What about Jenny’s parents? Are they in the picture?”

“They live in Quebec and don’t speak English. They come here one week a year and stay with us. That’s it. I’ve told them the door is always open and I’ll always pay for them to come, but that’s all they do. Andie doesn’t really remember them from visit to visit.”

“That’s sad. At least she has your mom. She’s amazing.”

“She’s the best. I don’t think I could have survived without her, especially at the beginning. I was a longtime bachelor and then single father to an infant. My mother stayed the first few months to teach me how to be a parent.”

“She taught you well. You’re a wonderful father. Andie adores you.”

“I try my best. What about your family?”

I shake my head. “Jade has no grandparents. My mother split when I was a toddler. I have no memories of her. My father was an alcoholic who died shortly after I started college. Jade’s father was estranged from his family due to his drug use. We were both junkies when we met. I got clean when I found out I was pregnant. It took him another eight years. By the time he got clean, his parents were gone. Jade didn’t know her cousins until a few months before you and I met, when Declan started dating Melissa. Did you know Melissa when she was married to Jackson?”

“I did. Jackson is a few years older than me. We were both young and came up in the business world together. We’ve always had a kinship. He’s a good guy. We ran in similar circles. She was always there on his arm.”

“When she and Declan got serious, she brought him to meet her family. When they walked into Darian and Jackson’s house to introduce him, it was the first time Declan had seen Darian in well over twenty years. Apparently, they had given him an ultimatum about choosing drugs or family, and he chose poorly. He never reconciled with his brother before he died. As I understand it, both Declan and Darian were shocked to see each other. But the good thing was that it was finally an opening for Jade to meet that side of the family. They have been incredible to her. Reagan gave her a job before she even graduated high school.”

“They really respect Jade at Daulton. Despite her age, she has a crazy amount of responsibility. I was shocked when I first met her.”

“I know. She’s special. The whole thing worked out perfectly for her.”

“I’ll be working with her. I was with her today. I assumed she didn’t know anything about us, so I said nothing.”

“Of course she doesn’t. I wouldn’t even know how to explain this.”

He nods. “It must have been hard for you, growing up without your mother and living with a sick father.”

I sigh. “It was a nightmare. I grew up the worst way possible in a shitty, shady trailer park. When my dad lost his job, I was just entering high school. He spent his days at the local bar. My best friend, Reggie, who is still my best friend to this day, had this picture-perfect family. At least at thattime they did. When things got unbearable with my father, they took me in. I lived with them throughout high school. I’m forever grateful to them.”

“Wow, that’s incredible.”

“They paid for my first true painting class my freshman year in high school.” I smile at the memory. “I forced them to sign a loan document that ensured they would be reimbursed, with interest, when I sold my first painting. One of my proudest days was when that happened. Jade was a baby. I didn’t have any money to spare, but living up to my end of the bargain was more important to me than eating. I proudly gave them that check, even though it was every cent I had to my name that month.”

He smiles as he tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear. “You’re adorable. Where does your sense of righteousness come from?”

“From wanting to be the opposite of my parents. From wanting to show my daughter the difference between right and wrong. I wasn’t a perfect mother, and I think she has some baggage because of it, but I know she has a good value system.”
