Page 31 of Kell

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She felt bad for the dragons’ previous abode, but if Kell had taught her anything, it was that home was where your family was. The caves were just dust and rock without those you loved in them. “That’s okay, but how did you pull me here? To the temple. Mara and the others said I had to be twenty-three.”

“You are.”

Alana frowned. Was Adara so sick she didn’t know Alana’s birthday? A being as powerful as Adara with memory issues was just plain scary. “No Adara, I’m not. My birthday is tomorrow.”

“It is not. Your mother altered both your and Mara’s birthdays. She did this prior to you visiting the camp.”

“No, she changed Mara’s when she was fourteen and said it was a computer glitch.”

“Mara found her original birth certificate in the attic and questioned your mother. She told that story to protect you. She changed those documents when you were five and Mara seven.”

Alana blinked rapidly. “How did she know to do it?”

“Your mother went to visit a psychic when she was diagnosed with cancer for the first time. The woman she retained had druid blood. I borrowed the psychic’s body and conversed with your mother. I told her to protect her children and if she did so, she would beat the disease. I did warn her that it would take her, later in life, but she would see her children reach adulthood. She was thankful for my advice, and those events did come to pass.”

“Did you know about Breggar? That he would... latch onto me?”

“No, I cannot see the dragons’ future. Your mother’s destiny was set and unalterable. As are many humans, but those with magic can alter the natural course of events.”

Alana nodded. “So, that is all on me.”

“Do not be so hard on yourself. You made the mistake of a child and paid dearly for it. Still, you managed to keep the book safe and help me survive while evading the dark dragon’s hold on you.”

“Why was that book left in our world? If it’s so important, why not house it in the temple until needed?”

“It is the book of gateways. You know it belongs to Tempest, but only she and her mate can create a stable pathway. One where I can gain a permanent hold in your world. Bring the dragon claw to me in Colorado. The site in the caves has been chosen. I must make the permanent transition before this realm fails.”

“We will retrieve the claw and take it back to the Colorado caves.”

Adara’s power whispered over Alana like a mother’s embrace. “You are exhausted, Alana. You must learn to rely on your mate. You can’t shoulder the burden alone. Not anymore.”

“I’m working on it.”

The temple walls began to dissolve as Adara’s form faded. “Trust your family. Free yourself from your personal demons.”

“I will. It’s almost over.”

“Not for you,” Adara’s voice echoed as the castle disappeared.

Alana found herself in the meadow in front of the castle. Mara had described rolling hills as long as the eye could see with only the occasional boulder. Now, she saw only a hundred yards of dirt with small patches of greenery. The rest was a wall of black smoke. It wasn’t like the dark tendrils that rose from a cozy fire. These appeared hungry. A raging insubstantial monster intent on consuming everything and anything it touched.

Her gaze moved to the wolf exiting the temple. He lopped on sturdy paws as he silently approached. His tongue lolled out in a wolfish grin.

She knelt down and wrapped her arms around him. “Hi, Ren. I hoped I would see you again.”

I am always here for you, little lass.

She laughed. “If everyone keeps calling me little, I am going to get a complex.”

While your frame is tiny, your will is mighty. You have survived and thrived under unimaginable odds. Are you sure you are not a wolf?

She kissed the soft fur on his head. “I know that is an enormous compliment, but Kell calls me little fox.”

It is an apt nickname for the seeker. You have given him a chase unlike any dragon before him, but I still think you are part wolf.

She laughed, remembering how she had always felt at ease in Thorn’s presence. When he was a wolf. When he was merged with Ren. “I didn’t realize you and Thorn were separate beings. I am usually good at unraveling a magical essence. I’m sorry I didn’t help you.”

Don’t be sorry, beautiful. That was not your destiny. Your time is now, and I am content with my new role as temple guardian.
