Page 45 of Kell

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“I didn’t. Adara did. She only took the excess. She won’t... diminish you, even for a bit. Let’s get Rhadan and get back to the caves. That will help Adara connect but she needs the claw and my circle to sustain her in the coming months.”

Rhadan approached though he staggered as he walked. It was amazing that someone could look like they had one too many drinks and still be so sexy. “Your power doesn’t turn off even if you are hurt, does it.”

Rhadan sighed. “It was severely diminished when I infused Kell, but it is returning.” Kell touched Rhadan’s shoulder. “Can you shift?”

Rhadan shook his head. “I have not regained the strength to fly. You can go and I will return in a few hours.”

“No way studly. The mage is pissed at you. That lapse in your power opened his eyes to what you can do. He is going to find a way to block it, if he can. There is no way you are staying.” She winked. “You can come with me. We get to fly on Kell’s back.”

Rhadan smiled. “I have not flown on another dragon since my last flight with my father. It was before I came into my power and my wings. I remember the excitement.”

Kell moved away from them. “Take good care of my mate Rhadan. May the skies welcome you.” He shifted as Rhadan glanced toward the sky. There was no mistaking the pain in his eyes.


They landed close to the caves and Rhadan slid off Kell’s back as soon as they arrived. He helped Alana down from Kell’s wing, and while he had been conversational on the swift ride home, he seemed to be holding back, reining his magic back as he sat behind her. She noticed he was careful not to touch her and wondered if he was attempting to respect Kell or if it had to do with Kell’s strange statement before he shifted.

Rhadan nodded to Kell when he shifted to his human form and joined Alana in the clearing. He walked away as Kell slipped his arm around Alana’s waist.

“Did I say something to upset him?”

“No. He is concerned that you will be affected if you remain in his presence too long. We believe the mated have a barrier once bonded since Mara and Natalie seem to acknowledge his... attractive features but don’t feel the same lure as the human and non-mated druids.”

“Can he affect a dragon in the same way?” she asked.

Kell sighed. “Yes. None are immune if he chooses to unleash his power.”

“So, he has never known anybody who loved him... just for him?” Her heart hurt for Rhadan. What that must be like. The uncertainty.

“Only his parents and those of us who grew up with him before he came into his power. He values our friendship because he knows we loved him before he could influence us.”

“And he has never abused his power?”

Kell was silent for some time. “Not on us. We made a grievous error in asking him to help us when we were young and needed to establish a safe haven for the remnants of our species. We didn’t understand the repercussions his power can have on a human. The results were catastrophic, and he has slept more often than not since those early years. When he wakes it is for a few weeks at most.”

“He seemed afraid of me. That’s weird right?”

“No. He is afraid you will fall under his lure. I have assured him you are immune now, but he will not be comfortable around you until after our official bonding ceremony.” He took her hand and led her toward the caves.

She had an excellent sense of direction, but she was lost within a few minutes of weaving in and out of the tunnels. When the cavern opened up, she was reminded of the one that had collapsed in the caves of Scotland. “This looks familiar.”

“Legion recreated our Scotland home here and in the other caves.”

She paused as her heart accelerated. “Other caves?”

“There are several more positioned in several parts of the world, though most slumber here. Several dragons felt an... impulse to relocate to other continents. We assumed that druids would emerge in those locations, but none have thus far.”

“There are dragon caves on other continents, and I am just finding this out now?’

“I did not realize it would interest you.”

“Hello. Seeker here. Caving is my jam. We are totally checking out those other caves.”

“I will be happy to escort you to meet my brethren in distant lands and explore their caves with you.”

“Now that is one hell of a honeymoon.”

Kell’s eyes flared. “I like that idea... a lot.”
