Page 14 of Rhadan

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Samantha sat on the chair opposite her. “Call me Sam, and it’s no trouble. Your boyfriend is really nice. He is making us tea and putting a plate together.”

“Rhadan isn’t my boyfriend, but he is nice.”

She cleared her throat. “I think he wants to be your boyfriend. The way he looks at you... I’m sorry. That was highly inappropriate. He is just so good-looking it’s hard to imagine... damn. What is wrong with me? I should go...”

“Please sit, Sam. I am told Rhadan is quite attractive, but I can’t see him, so he doesn’t have the same effect on me.”

“Oh, I’m sorry. That was so insensitive of me.”

“It’s fine, really.”

Sam moved in her seat. “The store is so beautiful. I loved making soaps with my mom when I was young. As soon as I saw your ad, I was excited about working here.”

Tempest smiled. “Me too. Natalie taught me to make the soaps and creams we sell, and it was soothing. The store is a safe place for me. I have the floor plan memorized, so I don’t need my walking stick here. We re-merchandise, but we don’t move the furniture.”

“That makes sense,” Sam said.

When she wasn’t forthcoming, Tempest leaned forward. “Tell me about yourself, Sam. Have you lived in Aurora long? Are you currently employed?”

Sam cleared her throat. “I just arrived in town last week. I’m staying at the motel a few blocks away. I haven’t found employment yet. The restaurant I was working at burned down a month ago, so I decided it was time for a fresh start.”

“That’s horrible. Did they discern the cause?” Tempest asked.

“The fire inspector ruled it an accident. Faulty wiring or something. The owner decided not to rebuild. He took the insurance payout, so I was looking for a new job either way.”

Tempest felt a connection to Sam, but she also felt the woman was holding back. Her hands clutched the material of her dress, and her body went rigid when she felt Rhadan enter her mind.

Be wary, Tempest. She is hiding something. She is scared, and it is not of you.

Tempest moved an errant strand of hair from her eyes. How did you enter my mind?

We are mates. You are aware we have a telepathic connection.

But we are not mated yet. I mean, I haven’t agreed to anything. She frowned, then recovered so Sam wouldn’t think it was aimed at her.

Our bond is forming. Neither of us can stop it, but I will never touch you without your permission. Your safety, however, is paramount and I will always protect you. Since it is forbidden for me to breach this woman’s mind, I must caution you.

I sense that she is holding back. I agree she is scared, but I believe it is something in her past. The way she described her former employer sounded... off. He sent a slight caress against her consciousness and it sent heat racing to her core. How could anyone have that effect on her? Worse, he was not trying to be sensual. She couldn’t blame it on his power, either. She didn’t adore him, and she wasn’t obsessed with him. She was simply interested and admitted she was curious about him.

I am thankful for that, he whispered to her.

Stop reading my mind.

Why? It is the most fun I have had in centuries.

She covered her laugh with a fake cough. “Sorry. There is some kind of irritant in the air.”

Did you infer I was irritating? I do not believe I have ever been described as so. His tone held incredulity, but she sensed his laughter. He was having fun and so was she. When was the last time she had felt so carefree?

The memory rolled through her mind unbidden. She was laughing at the pink jack-in-the-box her father had bought her on his recent trip. It was only a few hours before they got into the car to go for dinner. The last ride that robbed her of her sight and her father. How would her life have been if he lived? If she hadn’t fallen into Devlin’s hands?

I am sorry little love. I wish I could have met him. Rhadan’s tone was comforting, but she needed to focus on the task at hand.

Me too. Can you get anything from Sam? Do you have any idea what she is hiding?

I cannot without breaking her mental shields. I can tell you she is running, but from what, I am unsure.

